Mock Exam 6
Q1. Besides IV fluids, what is the most important drug to be given in anaphylaxis?
Q1. Besides IV fluids, what is the most important drug to be given in anaphylaxis?
a) Epinephrine
b) Steroids
Q2. The best to give for DVT
patients initially which is cost effective:
a) Low
Molecular Weight Heparin “Enoxaparin”
Unfractioned Heparin
c) Heparin
d) Warfarin
Q3. Management of anaphylactic
shock all of the following, EXCEPT :
a) IVF
b) 100% O2
c) Corticosteroid
Q4. Patient developed
lightheadedness and SOB after bee sting. You should treat him with the
a) Epinephrine injection, antihistamine and IV fluid
Antihistamine alone
Q5. A child had bee bite
presented after 18 hour with le