
FCPS part 1 Radiology past paper pool

FCPS part 1 Radiology past paper pool

Qs 1. Structure present between celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery is?
A. Pancreas
B. Stomach
C. Spleen
D. Duodenum
E. Liver

Qs 2. Hepatoduodenal ligament transmits
A. Hepatic artery
B. Portal vein
C. Common bile duct
D. Hepatic duct

Qs 3. Mixed venous blood is found in
A. Left atrium
B. Left ventricle
C. Pulmonary artery
D. Pulmonary vein
E. Rt femoral vein

Qs 4. The bulb of posterior horn of left ventricle is made by?
A. Forceps major
B. Forceps minor
C. Thalamus

Qs 5. Structure passing anterior to



Qs. 1. Heinz bodies are found in
A. G6PD deficiency
C. Sickle cell disease

Qs 2. During a surgery a surgeon nick hepatoduodenal ligament. Which structure is likely to be damaged
A. Portal vein
B. Bile duct
D. Hepatic Duct

Qs 3. Gall Bladder
A. Produces bile
B. Submucosa is present
C. Mucosa is thrown in extensive folds

Qs 4. Bare area of liver is limited by
A. Right and left traigular ligament
B. Falciform ligament
C. Ligament teres
D. Ligament venosum

Qs 5. Medial side of arm is suppli

FCPS Part 1 dentistry past papers

FCPS Part 1 dentistry past papers

1-Accessory rib is attached to which vertebra ?

Answer :- C7

2-A person got head injury in temporal region, function which may lost is ?

Answer :- Auditory...

3-A person is unable to comprehends and intelligence the words, lesion is located at ?

Answer :- Wernicke's area 4

4-A person is unable to speak properly, lesion is located at ?

Answer :- Broca's area 5

5-Regarding vagus nerve which is inappropriate ?

A-It is located between IJV and internal carotid artery in carotid sheath
B-It is the longest nerve
C-It lies posterior to carotid sheath
D-It emerges from internal

FCPS Dentistry Part 1 2011 Paper

FCPS Dentistry Part 1 2011 Paper

(1)The most susceptible intraoral site of oral cancer is

1-Floor of mouth
2-Soft palate
3-Attached gingiva & alveolar ridge
4-Lateral borders & ventral surface of the tongue

(2)Koplik spots are seen in...

4-Chicken pox

(3)Sialoliths are most commonly found in

1-Stensen's duct
2-Wharthon's duct
3-Bartholian's doct
4-Ducts of rivinus

(4)A pt.presents with a slow-growing, painless mass at the junction of the soft and hard palates,which is present for many years without ulceration or telangiectasia of the overlying mucosa,
the most likely diagnosis is


FCPS Gynae Obs Paper part 1 June 2014

FCPS Gynae Obs Paper part 1 June 2014

Kindly correct the answers if found wrong, thanks

1) ureter is narrow at the following points except?
pelvic brim
pelvic ureteric junction where it lies on the psoas (ans)
where it passes through the bladder

2)regarding spinal nerves true statemnt?
they leave the vertebral canal via intervertebral foramina(ANS)
dorsal root contain both sensory & motor fibers
have ganglia on there ventral root

3) following statements about ischio rectal fossa are true except?
has pudendal canal in lower medial wall (ANS)
allows dilatation of anal canal during defecation
extend forward into urogenital triangle
bounded lat by obturatr internus
is bounded post by sacrotuberous ligamnt

4) regarding suprarenal gland all true excpt?
foetal gland is 1/3rd the size of kidney(ANS)
cortex develop frm mesoderm

5) following structures present in dermis except?
mast cells

6) neural crest cell give



1) Sphincter and dilator puillae are originated from
a. Mesoderm
b. Ectoderm
c. Neural crest
d. Endoderm

2) Epithelium of mebimian gland duct is
a. Simple squamous
b. Simple cuboidal
c. Simple columnar
d. Stratified columnar
e. Stratified cuboidal

3) Epithelium of lacrimical canaliculi is
a. Simple squamous
b. Simple cuboidal
c. Simple columnar
d. Stratified columnar
e. Stratified cuboidal

4) Retina is thickest
a. Above optic disc
b. Below optic disc
c. Orra serrata
d. equator

5) If light reaction is absent but accom

Fcps part 1 dentistry 2014 past paper

Fcps part 1 dentistry 2014 past paper

1. Low oxygen level detected by
carotid body
aortic sinus
central chemoreceptors

2. Diabetic patient comes to the emergency dept in hypoglycemic coma. glucagon is given. the action of glucagon in this situation is ?

3. which one contains the highes cholestrol content ?

4. nerves supplying muscle fibres have
a. 60% motor fibres 40 % sensory
b. 40%motor, 60 % sensory
c. 60 motor, 40 sensory , some autonomic
d. sympathetic fibres

5. some question about endoneurium, perinuerium, epineurium
A.perineureum is composed of collagenous fibers
b. epineureum surrounds endoneurim something like that
c, perineurium is a delicate layer which provide support something like that

6.growth hormone increases during
REM sleep,
Free fatty acids

7.Flouroacetate r resposible for damage of
bGolgi cmplex

FCPS Part 1 Dentistry paper 1 n 2 4th february 2015

FCPS Part 1 Dentistry paper 1 n 2 4th february 2015

(4 February 2015)

1. Some scenario, a premature infant bruises on skin and jaundice. mother used anti biotic during pregnancy. Malnourished. Which vitamin deficiency is there.. (and yes there were two vit B, B options)
a. Vit A
b. Vit B
c .Vit B
d. Vit C
e. Vit K

2. The hormone which increases in secretion as darkness increases?
A) thyroid hormone
b) growth hormone
d) Melatonin
e) Serotonin

3. regarding nasal septum which is right,
A. is always in mid line
B .is formed by 3 bone n one cartilage
C . superior part have neuroepithelium
D. deviated in most or some of individuals

4. Saliva contains
a. alpha amylase
b. beta amylase
c. alpha and beta amylase

FCPS PART 1 DENTISTRY 2015 with answers

FCPS PART 1 DENTISTRY 2015 with answers

1. A diabetic patient is advised fasting blood glucose level, at what value doctor is confusing and needs further evaluation with glucose tolerance test?
a. 04 mmol/l
b. 05 mmol/l
c. 07 mmol/l
d. 10 mmnol/l
e. 15 mmol/l
ans = c

2. Which one contains the highest cholesterol content ?
a. Chylomicrons
b. hdl
c. vldl
d. ldl
ans = ldl

3. Nerves supplying muscle fibers have
a. 60% motor fibers 40 % sensory
b. 40%motor, 60 % sensory
c. 60 motor, 40 sensory , some autonomic sympathetic fibers
d. parasympathetic fiber like option was there
ans= c

4. growth hormone increases during
a. REM sleep
b. Exercise
c. Free fatty acids
ans= b or a. there is controversy bw ganong/guyton as

FCPS Part 1 Surgery Past Paper 12 November 2014

FCPS Part 1 Surgery Past Paper 12 November 2014

Here is latest collection edition to fcps part 1 surgery

1. sephaneous n terminal br of

a)femoral(ans) b)obturator c)sciatic

2. adductor muscle hamstring muscle supplied by which nerve

a) tibial(ans) b)abturator c) femaoral d) common peroneal

3. gracillis supplied by

a)obturator n(ans) b) femoral d) common peroneal

4. adductor brevis supplied by

a) ant br of obturator n(ans) b)femoral d) common peroneal

5. fracture of surgical neck of humers, artery damaged

a)axillary n b) post.circumflex humeral(ans)

6. common bile duct parts

a) omental, retroduodenal, paraduodenal

b) ) omental, retroduodenal, paraduodenal, intaduodenal

c) , retroduodenal, paraduodenal, intraduodenal

7.lesser omentum contents except

a)short gastric a(ans) b) right gastric c) gastroepiploic d) lymphnodes and lymphatics

8.loss of small muscle of one hand damage

a) C8,T1 b) ulnar c)radial d) C5 C6

9) navicullar attachment except

a)middle cuniform b)medial cuniform c) lat cuniform d)talus(ans) e)calcanium

10) inion landmar of

a)glabella b)pterion c)extrnal occipital prominence(ans) d)internal occiptal groove

11) gastroduodenal a br of

a) rt hepatic artery(ans) b) celiac c) splenic

12) abduction at wrist all except

a)extensor carpii radial b)extenser digiti minimi(ans) c) oppenens policis d)extensor indicis e)flexor carpi radialis

13) tramadol

a)kappa nd meu b)strong kapa c)weak kappa d)strong meu e)weak meu

14)ketorolac analgesia most preferable

a) Thoractosy patient with ozzing blood from woung b) patient of peptic ulcer

c)Non diabetic cholecyctectomy d)Asthma patient having inguinal.hernia repair

15) suboccipital n supply which muscle

a)capitis b) lattisimus dorsi c) trapezius d)rectus capitis post(ans)

16) Radiotherapy most sensitive to

a)craniopharyngioma b)pineal tumor c)midbrain glioma d)glial glioma

17)bilat exopthlmos, antithyroid antibody presen

t a)graves(ans) b)hashimotos

18)all cancer cause by virus except

a)lymphoma b)kaposi sarcoma c) esophageal(ans) d) anal d)cervial

19) epitheial changes, endocervix in squamous tissue

a)metaplasia(ans) b)dysplasia

20)disease not cause by blood transfusion

a) tb(ans) b)malaria

21)about typical thoracic ribs all true except

a) tubercal of lower rib does not form synovial joint with vertebra

b) c)

too long statements difficult to remember

22)intercostobrchial n

a)2nd intercostal sensory b)post side of arm c) loss of nerve supply (ans)d) loss to preganglionic sympethaetic

23)sharp weapon injury at left 5th intercostal space, all damage except

a)fibrous pericardium b)serous parietal pericardium c) viseral paricardium d)pericdial cavity e)serous parietal nd viscer pleura(ans)

24) normal rasonance area in

a)rt 2nd to 4th midclvicular line b) right 4 to 6 midclavicular c) left 2nd to 4 mid clavicular d) left 2nd to 4 midaxillary

25)internal carotid a damage, bleeding, at what vertebral tubercle u will press to stop bleeding

a)3rd b)4th c)5th d)6th(ans) e)7th

26)right atrium related to all except

a)crista termnalis b) musculi pactini c)trabiculae d)fossa ovalis e) sinous venarum

27)human intermediate host

a)hydatid cyst b)

28)cysteriosis caused by

a) (ans)ingesting eggs of tenia solium b) ingesting cysts of tenia solium c) eating uncooked meat d) eating uncooked mutton

29) in asian population most common cause of macrocytosis

a) (ans) alcohal b)hemolysis c)hypothyrodism d) liver diease

30) which drug has more effect on coxII than cox I

a)aspirin b)celexocib(ans) c) nalproxane d)ketorolac

31)corticoteriod mechanism anti inflammatory

a) inhibit phospolipase A2 b) inhibit cycloxygenase c) inhibit lipoxygenae d) action on leukotriene B e) inhibit lukotriene D

32) superior vena cava except

a)remanat post vitelline vein b) commence at 1st thoracic vertebra c) end at third intercoastal space

33) scenerio about sacrioilac joint pain, loss of lumber ladorosis negative ana

a) HLA b27 (ans)b) rA

34) Internal oblique muscle aponeurosis

a)form conjoint tendon b) post boundary of inguinal canal c0 external spermatic fasia

35) RCA after ginving marginal branch obstruction affect

a)SA node b)av node c) apex of heart d)right atrium

36) penile urethra rupture

a)scortum under colles fascia b)tunica vahinilis c)thigh d)deep fascia

37)benign tumor


38)middle rectal a br of

a)internal iliac (ans)b) femoral c) common iliac d) supr mesentric

39)rotator cuff lesion affect all except

a) tere major

40)right testis tumor nodes affected

a)paraaortic (ans) b) righ deep inguinal c) sup inguinal

41)Chlamydial infection causing chlamydia psittacosis is

a).obligate intracellular B.)DNA derived from host

42)scenerio of granuloma wid yellow pigment


43) a person standing at same place for 1hour, what wl dec

a)diametr of aorta b)central venous pressure c)rennin d) adh

44) painful papule at labia

a) hsv II a)hsv I c) vz d) CMV

45)most perinium nd pelvis supplied by

a)pudendal b)femoral c)obturator

46)maintain flexor tone arm

a)corticopinl b)corticobulbr c) reticulo spinal d)rubro spinal(ans)

47)lower motor neuron lesion

a)muscle wasting (ans)b) hyperreflexia c) positive babinski d) spasticity

48)hemisetion with total spinal section differentaiad by

a) paraplegia in extension b) degre of reflex activity c)sensory loss permanat d) (ans)spinal shock

49)pancreas exocrine tumor most common

a)ductal adenocarcinoma b)acinar adenocarcinoma c) mixed d) intraductal

50)delayed action of insulin

a)glucose inside cell b)potasium inside cell c)inhibit protein catabolism d) protein synthesis e) stimulate mRNA transcription for lipogenesis

51) meckels diverticulum true except

a)arise from mesentric border b) pancreatic tissue may b prsent

52)gas having mximum diffusion capacity in body fluids

a)CO2 b)CO c)He d)O2 e) N

53) dec PO2 in blood

a)CO poisoning b)hypoventiltion c) anemia d) cyanide poisong e) hypoventilation

54)true regarding breast peau de orange appearance except

a) orange brown appearance due to necrosis b) dimpling of skin due to lymphatic obsturstion

c) subcutenous edema

55)A person living on river side since 2yrs, having blindness, opthalmologist indentify which larva

a) onchcerosis b) wucheria c) loa

56)enzymes for abcess formation

a)neutrophil b)serum c) lymphocyte

57)during surgery thyroid nerve present to a distance to superior thyroid a

a)externl lyryngeal n b)internal laryngeal c) recurrent

58)antrum of stomach removed

a)dec compliance b)inc acid output 3)increase gastrin

59) which condition not lead to mlignacy

a)iodine deficiency goiter b) chronic gastritis c) barret

60) anti bodies to sperm can cause all except

a) inhibit fertilization b) inhibit implantation c) prevent penetration cervical mucous d) prevent removal of sperm cap

61) margins of TB ulcer

a)undermined b) everted c)inverted

62) ulcer due to hypertension

a)decibuts b)marjolins c) martorell d) bazin

63) PTU inhibit (old)

Thyroid harmone foramtion

64) lt optic radiation lesion

a) right homonymous hemianopia b) left homonymous hemianopia

65) Internal laryngeal nerve passes through a) Arytenoid n cricoids cartilage b)Cricoid n thyroid c)Thyroid n hyoid

66) prgnanacy related senerio, PT and APTT inc (too long scenario but answer DIC )
a) DIC

67)A lady presented with with leg swelling for last five months and no cough nd fever, on investigation thre were bilateral plueral effusion and right atrium enlargemt...ast 200 ,alt250 ldh dearranged

a)good posture b)rheomatid arthritis c)recurrent thromboembolism d)renovascular hypertension e)chronic asthma

68)whichr used for screening congenital abnormality

a) estriol b)estrione c) estradiol

69)phenyl over alcohol anaesthesia

a) effect detected soon b) less painful c) phenol most potent

70) 134Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone k receptors act through.. ligand chanel involves a)tyrosine kinase, b)g coupled c)Increase transcription

71)patient developed hemolysis due toG6PdD deificiency nxt happen

b)self limiting c) hemolysis with G6PD d)autosomal domint

72)iron insoluble form

a)ferritin b) transferring c) hemosiderrin

73) Primitive streak mesoderm cells migrate around the cloacal membrane to form ant. Abdominal wal cell, if ths migration does not hapen around the cloacal membrane will ruptureand open caudly as.

a)exstrophy of bladder b)imperfrate anus c)hypospedia d) ectopic anal opning

74)thymus except ( very long statements)

a) no lymph node no sinus

75)teratogenic drugs except

a) diethylbestrol b) fluxuotene chloride (other options oh God don’t know from where cpsp found them

76)liver development

a)from dorsal mesentry proximal midgut

b) from dorsal mesentry proximal forgut c) from ventral mesentry proximal foregut d) ventral mesentry proximal midgut

77) great tronchetric fracture, cant walk properly painful swelling, next complication

a)pulm thromboembolism b)soft tissue tumor

78)post triangle relations

79)drain into left brachiocephalic vein

a) sup thyroid a b)middle thyoid a c) inf thyroid d) facial

80)acute appendicitis scenerio, on pathologicl emanination

a) neutrophil in muscular wall

b) lymphoid hyperplasia with giant cell in muscular wall

81)64 year Old man with posterior cervical lympadenopathy which is firm and mobile. Hb 13-14 hct 40 wbc 7230 plateletes 250000 no hepato splenomegaly seen biopay showed numerous small monomophic lyphocytes a)infectious mononucleosis b) hodgkin lymphcyte predominant c) CLL d) reactive hyper plasia

82)hb 10, O2 sturation 90, PO2 60 , ask abt to calculate O2 contents

a) 10 b) 13) 18) 21

83)girl with h/o of gum bleeding, giant platelets , plt count 85k,

a)von willibrand b) bernaud solier c).familial thrombocytopathy d).thrombocytopenia e).ITP

84) for CCF, thiazide and loop diuritc given work simultaneously in excretion of Na and chloride from

a)ascending loop of henele b) proximal tubult c) distal tubule d) descending limb

85) required for transport of B12 in blood

a) intrinsic factor b) TC 1 c) TC 2 (ans) d) TC 3

86)terminal ileum removed what happens

a)large amount of water in feces b) decreased amino acid absorption c) increased bile acid and entero hepatic circulation d) increased fat absorption

87) protein content less in glomerular filtrate occur due to

a) pore size and negative charge b) rapid active transport absorbtion

89) increase in aldosterone dure to inc in

a)high K b) angiotensin 2

90)35 year old man bilat crepts, on xray chest heart fills completely

a)mesothelioma b)rhabdomyosarcoma b)angiosarcoma c) myxoma

91)about flexor hallucis longus

a) tendion can be felt immediately post to medial maleolus

b) inserted on first metarsal base

other too long statements

92)superficial parotid painless tumor, psudopoid growth, contain no capsule on histopatho

a)pleomorphic b)warthin c)mucoepidermoid d) cyst adeno carcimona 93).Hypertensive ulcer

a) bazin b) martorel c) curling d) decubitus

94). Broca's area and near lying spinothalemic tract blood supply

a) middle cerebral b) anterior cerebral c) post cerbra

95. betel nut chewing causes a)Submuscosal (ans)

b) ulceration

c) keratosis

96. Middle cranial fossa dural sensory loss is due to Vagus Trigeminal (ans) Glosopharyngeal

96) tumor doubling time not depend on a) exfoliation b) oxygen in tumor environment c) necrosis

97) old man develepod discomfort in abdomen with enlargement massive Splenomegaly(3000 gm)

a)sickle cell b)Mononucleosis c) portal Hypertension

97)Reflexes correctly marched a)Bicep C6 (ans) b) triceps C8 c) abdominal L5 S1 d) knee L4 L5

98)Rt ovarian vein drains into ivc (ans)

99)Which is not related in pain transmision a)A delta b)Medical leminiscus (ans) c)spinal leminiscus d) neospinal tract

100)regarding posterior communicating artery

a)connect post cerebral to internal carotid b) connect post and middle cerebral c) pass anterior to occulomotor and connect internal carotid with post cerebral d) connect basilat and internal carotid e) connect post cerbellar inernal carotid

101)local cause of edema a)Allergy

102) what separates maternal and fetal blodd in last trimester

a) Syncytotrophoblast + endothelium b) syncytiotrophoblast + cytotrophoblast c) syncithio trophoblast only d) cytio trphoblast only

103)Mucous acni presnt in? a)parotid b)submandibular c)sublingunl gland (ans)



104)other than steroid snthesis smooth ER also helps a)detoxification (ans) b)protein synthesis

105)ADH is inhibited by

a) alcohol b) increased plasma osmolarity c) angiotensin 2 d) dec ECF

106)estrogen containing ocp will cause mostly: a> thromboembolism (ans) b> breast cancer

107)which investigation or observation is more reliable in diagnosis of tb: a> positv montaux test b> caseating granuloma in tissue biopsy c> acid fast bacilli seen (ans) d> cavitating lesion on chest xray e> pyrexia at evening

108)BuccoPharyngeal facia sepreate? a)Nasopharyngeal from mouth

b) pharynx and larynx c) foregut from stomach( not exactly this quiest difficult statement)

109)Which product of fat metabolism can enter kerbs cycle a)Acetyl Co A (ans) b)Pyurvate c) lactate

110)chemiccal mediator For carcinogen a. a 1 antitrypsin b)benzidine (ans)

c)methyl alcohol

d) propyl alcohol

111)physiological Dead space a)Warms and humidifies air b)Upto respiratory bronchiole c) decrese in shallow breathing d) decrease in recumbent position

112)large Bolus stuck after eating what will happen next A. Its never happens B.secondary persiatlisis will be generayed by intrinsic nervous sytem to remove it (ans)

c) swallowing centre activated

113)Female child,breast fed developed jaundice on 2nd day hb 9 bilirubin 8 unconjugated ..

a) mother is rh positive

b)breast feeding jaundice

c)physiological jaundice

114)Person under spinal anesthesia durng surgry sudunly go into shock due to? A.loss of blood B.over dose of ansthesia C.loss of vasomtr tone

115)End arteries a)Freely anastomose b) if blocked causing no damage c)presnt in vital organs d)form precappilry anastomosis

115. Wegener's granulomatosus repeat question

116)During exercise decreased TPR is due to a)Skeletal muscle arterioles dilation due local metabolites

b)due to increase coronary flow to brain c) increase splanchnic flow

116) Child wd edema.1st line investigation a)Urine prtn

c)albumin globulin ratio c)Bloodd albumin

117)About Hyline cartilage a)Collagn n elastic fibers r visibl a)Collagen fibers visibl a)Fibers r absent a)Elastc fibers r visibl

118)After adrenalectomy.taste preference will be increased for a)Glucose b)Nacl c)Kcl d)Morphine

119)Rh compatibility which IG? a)IgM, b)IgG

c) igD

d)ig A

120)Apex of heart a)Most superior part b)Directly downward to ryt side c)In left 3rd intrcostal space

d) lies 8 cm away from median plan

121)6 years old Child with large testis n penis inc 17 ketosteroid in urine a)testicular tumor b)adrenogenital syndrome c)Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

d)adrenal tumor

122)dna is also present in adiition to nucleus in which organelle: a> mitochondria (ans) b> rer c> ser d> Golgi bodies e> lysosomes

123) Metaplasia... chronic irritation(Ans) sun rays, uv rays

124)Def.of metaplasia... a)replacement of 1 epithelium by other (ans)

101Most importt factor in. neutrophictaxis... a)c5a b)Bacterial products

c) leukotrienes

125)disc displacement causes sensory loss diue to impingment on a).spinal nerve or post root b).post ramus

c)ant root

126) Barr body diagnostic for a)Turner (ans)

b) kline felter

127)Structure right to trachea as it pases in thorax from sup mediastinum a)vagus nerve b) mediastinal pleura

c) aortic arch

d) tracheobronchial nodes

128) Max blood volume a)Caplaries b)Arteries c)Veins n Venules

d) aorta

129)time Interval betwee. 1st and 2nd heart sounds.. equals to a)ventricular systole

b)atrial systole

c) cardiac cycle

d)artiral diastole

e)ventricular distole

130)most important to detect Diabetic nephropathy.. a)Urine albumin


c)creatine clearance

d) serum creatine


131)in uremic nephropathy a)hypochromic normocytic anemia b)severe hypotentiin

c) hemolysis

132)prevalence a)Cases of disease in population

b)doesnot include new cases

133)incidence a)New cases in given time(ans)

134)child diagnose with disease causing permanent disability reaction of parents? a)Denial (ans)



135)Counseling done for. a) involves empathy and compasion b)best possible treatment

c) to enhance self understanding

136)large no of mitochondria present in apex a)Cilia, b)skeletal muscle

c) cardiac muscle

d) smooth ER

137) stimulation of golgi tendon organ causes

a) relaxation in muscle


138)Actin,myosin and clathrin involved in transport which type a)Facilitated diffusion b)Active transport c)Passive transpot d)Simple diffusion e)Pinocytosis

139)whn will u do dilaysis whn gfr decreases by % a)5 (ans) b)20 c)30 d)40 e)50

140)About kidney A)Ryt renal artry largr thn left B)Renal fat extrnl to the peri renal facia C)Left renal vein anterior to aorta n renal atry (ans) D)left kdndy lowr then the right kdny

141)Which factor does not take part in intrinsic pathway a)Factor10 b)Factor7. c)Factor 8

d)factor 12

141) Cholelithiasis in a pregnant lady. reliable test? a. ALT b. GGT c. ALP

142)what happens when dec sodium reaches macula densa

a) angiotensin release

b) rennin release

143)pt wd protein in urine defect present a)basement membrane

b)proximal tubule

144)man in hot sunny environment fell...finding na 122 due to a)excessive sweating

b)decrease water intake

c)decrese reabsorption

vonebner brunner

145)involved in hydroxylation in collagen synthesis a)Ascorbic acid

b) biotin

146)about post fontanell a)close at same time as ant fontanel b)Poster is bigger than the anterior c)Present at the posterior occipital side (Ans)

d)felt in occipito-posterior postion

e)can be felt in asyntilic postion ( something with asyntilism)

147)alles are a)regulatory genes b)walled off frm genes c)non identical on same locus (Ans)

148)increase alpha adrenoreceptor stimulation would lead to increase in a)vasodilation

b)git activity

c) pupil diameter

149)A drug with parasympathetic effect lead to decrease in a) pancreatic secretion

b) saliva secretion

c)git motility

d) eye diameter

150) carotid sinus a)respond to changes in bp

b)respond to change in ph

168) regarding amniotic membrane

a) derived from hypoblast

b) derived from fetal endoderm c) non-immunogenic

169) lady presented with persistent asthenuria ( dilute urine) defect

a) high blood urea

b) fixed specific gravity

c) low urine nacl

170) severe hypomagnesia result in


b)hyper calcemia


171) injury causing crushin at centre of optic chiasm

a) bitemporal hemianopia

b)homonymous hemianopia

172) does not cause increase in thirst

a) Angiotensin 2

b) adh

c) increase ECF

173)regarding Rh agglutinins

a)present on rbc membrane

b) develop in –ve mother with rh positive fetus

174) regarding auto regulation in coronary

a)sympathetic system involved more

b) vasodilation due to local metabolites

c) vasodilation is due to local metabolits in brain

175) which artery damage in relation in damage to phrenic nerve

a) muslophrenic b) pericardio phrenic c) sup epigastric

176) regarding finding in meningitis

a) glucose increase in viral

b) glucose decrease in pyogenic

177) Regarding active transport about drugs which is incorrect A) saturable B) require energy C) all drugs tranpoted by this mechanism

d)involves cariers

178) about pancrease

a. . they are inferior to stomach b. sup mesenteric pas anterior to uncinate process

179) wrong about stomach blood supply

Left gastric artery is on greater curvature

180) organism causing cerebral malaria

a) p. falciparum

b)p. vivax

c) p. malaria

181) p.falciparum disease

a)black water fever

182) regarding coronary supply

a) right coronary artey give branch to sa node av bundle bundle of hid

b)left coronary artery devides into anterior interventricular and LCx

183) microscopic feature of malignancy

a)highy NC ratio

b) invasion


184) microscopic feature in chronicity

a) plasma cell infiltrate

b)lymphocyte infiltrate

c) fibrosis

184)ulcer developed in bid toe in diabetic patient cause

A) angiopathy neuro pathy

b) due to atherosclerosis

c) angiopathy

185) about pituatry gland

a) vein drain directly in dural sinuses

b) partly derived from foregut

c) related to ethmoidal sinus

d)optic chiasm lie anteriorly

186) CD4 cells

a)inducers of plasma cells

b) helper cells



187)help in platelet adhesion

a)damaged endothelium

b)smooth endothelium


188) leukocyte adhesion factor is a) integrin b) selectin

189) thyroid gland covered in



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