
HIGHEST Yield Pearls for MRCP 1 2 & PACES

HIGHEST Yield Pearls for MRCP 1 2 & PACES

1) Hepatitis "D" Virus has HIGHEST mortality in ALL people EXCEPT#Pregnancy.
In Pregnant women: MOST LETHAL is Hepatitis E virus.
2) "While calculating Serum Osmolality the serum Na is multiplied by 2 to account for the accompanying ANIONS (mostly Cl- & HCO3-)."
3) Most Common cause of Metastasis to LIVER is primary cancers of Lung.
LLLLLungs send metastasis to LLLLLLiver.
4) Ketamine is the ONLY induction agent that causes Bronchodilation.
Ketamine is the ONLY induction agent that causes Bronchodilation.
5) AANNencephaly: failure of AANNterior neuropore to close.(at day 25)
SSSpinda bifida: failure of poSSSterior neuropore to close.(at day 27)
6) Muscle Spindles: Innervated by 1a fibers - cause skeletal muscle to CONTRACT.
GTOs: innervated by 1b - cause contracting muscle to RELAX
7) In SSSpontaneous pneumothorax: trachea shifts to ipSSSilateral side.
In TTTension pneumothorax: trachea deviates to conTTTralateral side.
8) Antibiotics SAFE in pregnancy:
All Penicillins.
All Cephalosporins.
All Carbapenems.
Nitrofurantoin (Avoid in last trimester bcoz can cause hemolysis in G6PD deficient fetus).
Metronidazole (SAFE in ALL trimesters).

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