
How to use resources to Pass MRCP Exam - Key Facts

There are a lot of ways from different sites and many of us will find some of them suitable to us. But i am gonna tell you the best n tricks to get yourself prepared for MRCP esoteric exam.

Here are the tip:
  • Do MCQs as much as you can and revise them with Explanation (very imp), don't just keep doing mcq and not to read about explanation, Remember in exams questions will appear from explanation not from questions you did, but if you are lucky enough; you can have some repeat from those that you practiced.
  • do BUZZWORD study: What i meant by BUZZWORD or PING-Word study, it means that a hint in the question that will lead you to the answer. FYI Qs in MRCP are not so straight forward so you are gonna face very long stem with multi directional approach from examiners. But they give one hint in the stem that can let us choose the answer. For Example, if a patient gives hx of pneumonia and they also tell you patient is alcoholic, heavy drinker etc then you should probably be thinking about kleibsella, don't you!!!!
  • If you don't understand a topic in passmedicine or whatever type mcq you are using then you should go for the OHCM 9th edition or KALRA 4th edition like books instead of reading USMLE STEP 2 CK or MASTER THE BOARDS; we are dealing UK exam here, not US-Board. So don't distract yourself as it will lead to poor performance in exam.
  • Once you have done all questions; like if you are doing 100-150 questions per day then you will finish passmedicine in max 4 weeks and pastest in 45 days. Revise them again and don't forget to do those questions that you made incorrect and read from your reference book either OHCM 9th edition or KALRA 4th edition.
  • Also you have another approach read SUDAMEDICA The Only MRCP Book You Will Ever Need to study first then attempt passmedicine questions and do pastest questions simultaneously as well. Both q banks with revision of at least 2 times will make you pass the exam easily.
  • In addition to these 2 q banks you also have onexamination, if you got enough time and you have done all, don't stop yourself doing mcq's from onexamination as well, they will groom you to the exam standards and also make you ready for MRCP Part 2 attempt.

Finally here are the links where you can download the latest of all above sources that i mentioned for Free access to medical education purpose #FOAMED
For Pastest
For OnExamination, Onexam 1 & onexa2.

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