
Saudi Licensing Exam prep---Mock Exam 9 with answers

Mock Exam 9

Q1. Most common medical problems faced in primary health care is:
a. Coryza
b. UTI
c. Hypertension
d. Diabetes

Q2. You were working in a clinic with a consultant who prescribed a drug that was contraindicated to the patient (the patient was allergic to that drug) but you didn't interfere & assumed that he knows better than you do. Which of the following you have violated:
a. Professional competence
b. Quality of patient care
c. Honesty
d. Patient relationship
e. Maintaining trust

Q3. Physician's carelessness is known as:
a. Malpractice
b. Criminal neglect
c. Malfeasance
d. Nonfeasance

Q4. For health education programs to be successful all are true except:
a. Human behavior must be well understood
b. Information should be from cultural background
c. Doctors are the only health educators
d. Methods include pictures and videos
(mass media)
e. Involve society members at early stage

Q5. What is the most important in counseling?
a. Exclude physical illness
b. Establishing rapport
c. Family
d. Scheduled appointment

Q6. Healthy patient with family history of DM type 2, the most important factors that increase chance of DM are:
a. HTN and Obesity
b. Smoking and Obesity
c. Pregnancy and HTN
d. Pregnancy and Smoking

Q7. What is the shape of a distribution graph seen in a normal distribution curve?

Q8. Comparing the prospective and retrospective studies, all are true except:
a. Retrospective are typically more biased than prospective
b. Retrospective studies are typically quicker than prospective
c. Prospective allocation of person into group depends on whether he has the disease or not.
d. Prospective costs more than retrospective.
e. Effect is more identifiable in prospective.

Q9. The maximum dose of ibuprofen is:
a. 800
b. 1600
c. 3000
d. 3200

Q10. Standard precautions are recommended to be practiced by all health workers (HCW) to prevent spread of infection between patient and HCW the most important measure:
a. Wearing gloves when examining every patient
b. Hand washing before and after each patient
c. Wearing mask & gown before examining an infected person
d. Recapping needle & put them in the sharp container
e. Isolation of all infected persons

Q11. Secondary prevention is least likely to be beneficial in:
a. Breast cancer
b. Leukemia
c. DM
d. Toxemia of pregnancy

Q12. Which of the following diseases is NOT transmitted by mosquitoes?
a. Rift valley fever
b. Yellow fever
c. Relapsing fever
d. Filariasis
e. Dengue fever

Q13. You were asked to manage an HIV patient who was involved in a car accident. You know that this patient is a drug addict & has extramarital relations. What are you going to do?
a. Complete isolation of the patient when he is in the hospital
b. You have the right no to look after the patient to protect yourself
c. You will manage this emergency case with taking all the recommended precautions into account
d. You will report him to legal authorities after recovery
e. Tell his family that he is HIV positive

Q14. You received the CT scan report on a mother of three who had a malignant melanoma removed 3 years ago. It was a Clerk’s level , and the prognosis was excellent. The patient came to your office 1 week ago complaining of chest and abdominal pain. A CT scan revealed metastatic lesions. She is in your office, and you have to deliver the bad news to her. The FIRST step in breaking news is to:
a. Deliver the news all in one blow and get it over with as quickly as is humanly possible.
b. Fire a “warning shot” that some bad news is coming.
c. Find out how much the patient knows.
d. Find out how much the patient wants to know it.
e. Tell the patient not to worry.

Q15. Incidence is calculated as the number of:
a. Old cases during the study period.
b. New cases during the study period
c. New cases at a point in time
d. Old cases at a point in time.

e. Existing cases at a study period.


Here are the answers to the mock exam 9


Q1. Most common medical problems faced in primary health care is:
a. Coryza
b. UTI
c. Hypertension
d. Diabetes

Q2. You were working in a clinic with a consultant who prescribed a drug that was contraindicated to the patient (the patient was allergic to that drug) but you didn't interfere & assumed that he knows better than you do. Which of the following you have violated:
a. Professional competence
b. Quality of patient care
c. Honesty
d. Patient relationship
e. Maintaining trust

Q3. Physician's carelessness is known as:
a. Malpractice
b. Criminal neglect
c. Malfeasance
d. Nonfeasance

Q4. For health education programs to be successful all are true except:
a. Human behavior must be well understood
b. Information should be from cultural background
c. Doctors are the only health educators
d. Methods include pictures and videos (mass media)
e. Involve society members at early stage

Q5. What is the most important in counseling?
a. Exclude physical illness
b. Establishing rapport
c. Family
d. Scheduled appointment

Q6. Healthy patient with family history of DM type 2, the most important factors that increase chance of DM are:
a. HTN and Obesity
b. Smoking and Obesity
c. Pregnancy and HTN
d. Pregnancy and Smoking

Q7. What is the shape of a distribution graph seen in a normal distribution curve?

Bell shaped

Q8. Comparing the prospective and retrospective studies, all are true except:
a. Retrospective are typically more biased than prospective
b. Retrospective studies are typically quicker than prospective
c. Prospective allocation of person into group depends on whether he has the disease or not.
d. Prospective costs more than retrospective.
e. Effect is more identifiable in prospective.

Q9. The maximum dose of ibuprofen is:
a. 800
b. 1600
c. 3000
d. 3200
800 mg per dose or 3200 mg per day

Q10. Standard precautions are recommended to be practiced by all health workers (HCW) to prevent spread of infection between patient and HCW the most important measure:
a. Wearing gloves when examining every patient
b. Hand washing before and after each patient
c. Wearing mask & gown before examining an infected person
d. Recapping needle & put them in the sharp container
e. Isolation of all infected persons

Q11. Secondary prevention is least likely to be beneficial in:
a. Breast cancer
b. Leukemia
c. DM
d. Toxemia of pregnancy

Q12. Which of the following diseases is NOT transmitted by mosquitoes?
a. Rift valley fever
b. Yellow fever
c. Relapsing fever
d. Filariasis
e. Dengue fever

Q13. You were asked to manage an HIV patient who was involved in a car accident. You know that this patient is a drug addict & has extramarital relations. What are you going to do?
a. Complete isolation of the patient when he is in the hospital
b. You have the right no to look after the patient to protect yourself
c. You will manage this emergency case with taking all the recommended precautions into account
d. You will report him to legal authorities after recovery
e. Tell his family that he is HIV positive

Q14. You received the CT scan report on a mother of three who had a malignant melanoma removed 3 years ago. It was a Clerk’s level , and the prognosis was excellent. The patient came to your office 1 week ago complaining of chest and abdominal pain. A CT scan revealed metastatic lesions. She is in your office, and you have to deliver the bad news to her. The FIRST step in breaking news is to:
a. Deliver the news all in one blow and get it over with as quickly as is humanly possible.
b. Fire a “warning shot” that some bad news is coming.
c. Find out how much the patient knows.
d. Find out how much the patient wants to know it.
e. Tell the patient not to worry.
The answer is c, first find out how much the patient know according to SPIKES Protocol (S= prepare the setting. P= patient perception of her illness i.e to find out how much the patient knows. I= invitation, how much the patient want to know.K= knowledge ie tell the patient. E= explore emotion. S= subsequent plan of action)

Q15. Incidence is calculated as the number of:
a. Old cases during the study period.
b. New cases during the study period
c. New cases at a point in time
d. Old cases at a point in time.
e. Existing cases at a study period.

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