
Saudi Licensing exam prep- Mock Exam 3

Mock Exam 3 

Q1 -A pregnant lady came to you to screen her fetus for down syndrome, what is the best method:
a.   Amniocentesis.  + Karyotyping
         b.   Choriocentesis.

Q2 - What is the most common chromosomal abnormality?
a. Trisomy 13
b.   Trisomy 21

Q3 -  A child came to ER with fever, stridor, … , x-ray showed swollen epiglottis, in addition to oxygen, what u will do?
a.   Throat examination.
b.   An emergency tracheostomy.
c.   Endotracheal intubation.
d.   Nasopharyngeal intubation.

Q4 - 24 y/o female newly diagnosed type 2 DM, she is wea
ring glasses for 10 years, how frequent she should follow with ophthalmologist:
a.  Every 5 years.
b.   Annually

Q5 -  What is the initial management for a patient newly diagnosed knee osteoarthritis.
a.   Intra-articular corticosteroid.
b.   Reduce weight.
c.   Exercise.
d.   Strengthening of quadriceps muscle.


Q6 -   A lady came to your clinic said that she doesn’t want to do mammogram and preferred to do breast self- examination, what is your response?
a-   Mammogram will detect deep tumor.
b-  Self-examination and mammogram are complementary.
c-   Self-examination is best to detect early tumor  


Q7 -  What is the best frequency for breast self-examination?
a.   Daily.
b.   Weakly.
c.   Monthly.
d.   Annually.
Q8 -  Patient with left bundle branch block will go for dental procedure , regarding endocarditis prophylaxis:
a.   No need
b.   Before procedure.
c.   After the procedure.


Q9 - classical characteristic for genital herpes.
Painful ulcers & vesicles


Q10 -  best stimulant for breast milk secretion:
          a. breast feeding
 b. oxytocin
 c. Progestorin only bills


Here are answers with explanation

Q1 -  A pregnant lady came to you to screen her fetus for down syndrome, what is the best method:
a.   Amniocentesis.  + Karyotyping
         b.   Choriocentesis.
          the correct answer is a

Q2 - What is the most common chromosomal abnormality?
a. Trisomy 13
b.   Trisomy 21
         the correct answer is b
          -down syndrome ( trisomy 21 ) is the most common chromosomal abnormality.


Q3 -A child came to ER with fever, stridor, … , x-ray showed swollen epiglottis, in addition to oxygen, what u will do?
a.   Throat examination.
b.   An emergency tracheostomy.
c.   Endotracheal intubation.
d.   Nasopharyngeal intubation.
        The correct answer is c

Q4 -  24 y/o female newly diagnosed type 2 DM, she is wearing glasses for 10 years, how frequent she should follow with ophthalmologist:
a.  Every 5 years.
b.   Annually
         The correct answer is b
          -for  type 1 diabetic : retina screening annually beginning 5 years after onset of diabetes, general not before onset  of puberty.
        - for type 2 diabetic : screening at the time of diagnosis then annual

Q5 -  What is the initial management for a patient newly diagnosed knee osteoarthritis.
a.   Intra-articular corticosteroid.
b.   Reduce weight.
c.   Exercise.
d.   Strengthening of quadriceps muscle.

         The correct answer is b

Q6 -   A lady came to your clinic said that she doesn’t want to do mammogram and preferred to do breast self- examination, what is your response?
a-   Mammogram will detect deep tumor.
b-  Self-examination and mammogram are complementary.
c-   Self-examination is best to detect early tumor
       answer is a ( I'm not sure because MCQs not complete and depend on age of pt.

Q7 -  What is the best frequency for breast self-examination?
a.   Daily.
b.   Weakly.
c.   Monthly.
d.   Annually.
       The correct answer is c
Q8 -   Patient with left bundle branch block will go for dental procedure , regarding endocarditis prophylaxis:
a.   No need
b.   Before procedure.
c.   After the procedure.

          The correct answer is b

Q9 -  classical characteristic for genital herpes.
Painful ulcers & vesicles


Q10 -  best stimulant for breast milk secretion:
          a. breast feeding
 b. oxytocin
 c. Progestorin only bills

          the correct answer is a

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