
Saudi Licensing Exam Prep--- Mock Exam 2 with answers and explanation

Mock Exam 2
I suggest you to solve these questions first to know at what level you stand and then go for the answers..

Q1 -  Which is not found in coarctation of the aorta:
             a. Upper limb hypertension
             b. Diastolyic murmur heard all over precordium
            c. Skeletal deformity on chest x-ray

Q2 - Female patient presented with tender red swelling in the axilla with history of repeated black head and large pore skin in same area: ttt is
                a. Immidate surgery
                b. Topical antibiotic
                c. Cold compressor
                d. Oral antibiotic

Q3 - In indirect hernia the relation of the sac to the cord structure is:
         a. Anteromedial
          b. Anterolateral
          c. Posteromedial
Q4 -  The most common cause of croup is:
         a. Parainfluenza
          b. Influenza
Q5 -kwashikor disease  usually associated with :
         a. decrease protein intake, decrease carbohydrate
         b. increase protein , increase carbo
         c. decrease protein , increase carbo
Q6 - in cachectic patient, the body utilize
the proteins of the muscles :
          a. to provide Amino acid and protein synthesis
          b. to maintain bloodflow to vital organ
          c. to increase body fat
Q7 - Which of the following medication if taken need to take the patient immidiatly to the hospital:
            a. Penicillin
            b. diphenhydramine
            c. OCPs
            d. Quinine or Quinidine

Q8 - 43 y/o female presented with severe DUB other examination normal . your management is
        a. D &C
        b. Ocps
        c. Hysterectomy
        d. Blood transfusion

Q9 - Female patient presented with migraine headache which is pulsatile, unilateral , increase with activity . Dosn't want to take medication. Which of the following is appropriate:
              a. Bio feedback
              b. TCA
              c. BB
Q10 -  Young patient on anti TB medication presented with vertigo which of the following drug cause this:
a.       Streptomycin
b.      Ethambutol
c.       Rifampcin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Q11 -The CPR for child is  
       a. 30 chest compression 2 ventilation  … (one rescuer)
       b. 15 chest c 2 ventilation  … (2 or more rescures)
       c. m15 chest compression 1 ventilation
Q12 -  Picture show large ulcer over medial side of the leg . what is your management
        a. Shave biobsy
        b. Elevate the legs and stocking
        c. Topical steroids
Q13 -   2months infant with white plaque on tongue and greasy ,past h/o clamydia conjunctivitis after birth treated by clinamycin what is ttt:
         a. Oral nystatin
         b. Topical steroids
         c. Topical acyclovair
                       d. Oral tetracycline
Q14 -  child rt ear pain and tenderness on pulling ear , no fever , O/E inflamed odemateous rt  ear canal with yellow discharge >>>>>>>>>>dx:
         a. Otitis media
         b. Otitis externa
         c. Cholesteatoma

Q15 - 34y female with HIV  pap smear negative, about cervical cancer screening :

a.       After 3m if negative repeat after 6m
b.      After 6m …………………………… annually
c.       After 1y………………………………….annually

Q16 - female about 30y  with breast cancer (given cbc –chem. And reavel low hb and hematocrite….) what is the next step in mangment:
           a. Staging
           b. Lumpectomy
           c. Mastectomy
           d. chemotherapy
Q17 -  child with moderate persistant BA On bronch.dilat inhaler. Presented with acute  exacerbation what  will you add in  ttt:
            a. Corticosteroid inhaler
            b. Ipratropum bromide inhaler

Q18 -  lactating women 10 days after delivary developed fever ,malaise, chills tender Lt breast with hotness and small nodule in upper outer quadrant  with axillary LN .Leucocytic count was 14 *10/L dx:
               a. Inflammatory breast cancer
               b. Breast abscess
              c. Fibrocystic disease

Q19 - 70y male with osteoporosis, the T score of bone densometry would be:
          a. -3.5
          b. -2.5
          c. 1
          d. 2
          e. 3.5

Q20 - scenario about female underwent  abdominal operation she went to physician
For check……….. U/S reveal metal thing inside abdomen (a.e missed during operation)
What will you do :
a.       Call the surgeon and ask him what to do
b.      Call attorney and ask about legal action
c.        Tell her what you found
d.      Tell her  that is one of possible complications of operation
e.      Don't  tell her what you found

Q21 - All can cause gastric ulcer except:
a-   Tricyclic antidepressant.
b-  Delay gastric emptying.
c-   Sepsis.
d-  Salicylates.
e-  Gastric outlet incompetent.   

Q22 - 48year old female lost her menstruation for 2 cycles, the method of contraception is condom,     examination was normal except for dusky discoloration of the cervix. What u will do next:
    a.Progesterone challenge.
    b.Beta HCG.
    c.Pelvic u/s

Q23 - 15 y/o female complaining of pain during menstruation, not sexually active, medical hx unremarkable,   physical examination normal, how to treat:
a-   NSAID.
b-  Danazole.
c-   COC


Q24 - What is true about alpha blocker:
a.   Causes hypertension.
b.   Worsen benign prostatic hyperplasia.
         c.  Cause tachycardia.
Q25 - 5cyclic menstruation that increase in frequency:

a.            Polymenorrhea.

b.            Hypermenorrhea.

c.             Menorrhagia.

d.            Dysmenorrhea.


Here are the answers with explanation

 Q1 - Which is not found in coarctation of the aorta:
             a. Upper limb hypertension
             b. Diastolyic murmur heard all over precordium
            c. Skeletal deformity on chest x-ray
             the correct answer is a (I'm not sure )

Q2 -  Female patient presented with tender red swelling in the axilla with history of repeated black head and large pore skin in same area: ttt is
                a. Immidate surgery
                b. Topical antibiotic
                c. Cold compressor
                d. Oral antibiotic

Q3 -  In indirect hernia the relation of the sac to the cord structure is:
         a. Anteromedial
          b. Anterolateral
          c. Posteromedial
         the correct answer is b
Q4 - The most common cause of croup is:
         a. Parainfluenza
          b. Influenza
          the correct answer is a
Q5 - kwashikor disease  usually associated with :
         a. decrease protein intake, decrease carbohydrate
         b. increase protein , increase carbo
         c. decrease protein , increase carbo
        the correct answer is c. in the book, written there is decrease protein and adequate amount of carbohydrate, but with this only MCQs the answer is c
Q6 -  in cachectic patient, the body utilize the proteins of the muscles :
          a. to provide Amino acid and protein synthesis
          b. to maintain bloodflow to vital organ
          c. to increase body fat
           the correct anwser is a ( I'm not sure )

Q7 -  Which of the following medication if taken need to take the patient immidiatly to the hospital:
            a. Penicillin
            b. diphenhydramine
            c. OCPs
            d. Quinine or Quinidine
             the correct answer is d (I'm not sure ) , quinidine is antiarrhythmia .
Q8 - 43 y/o female presented with severe DUB other examination normal . your management is
        a. D &C
        b. Ocps
        c. Hysterectomy
        d. Blood transfusion
          the correct answer is a

Q9 -  Female patient presented with migraine headache which is pulsatile, unilateral , increase with activity . Dosn't want to take medication. Which of the following is appropriate:
              a. Bio feedback
              b. TCA
              c. BB
          the correct answer is a
         Biofeedback has been shown to help some people with migraines. Biofeedback is a technique that can give people better control over body function indicators such as blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, muscle tension, and brain waves. The two most common types of biofeedback for migraines are thermal biofeedback and electromyographic biofeedback.

Q10 -  Young patient on anti TB medication presented with vertigo which of the following drug cause this:
a.       Streptomycin
b.      Ethambutol
c.       Rifampcin                                                                                                                                                          the correct answer is a  , streptomycin cause 8th nerve damage.
Q11 -  The CPR for child is  
       a. 30 chest compression 2 ventilation  … (Lone rescuer)
       b. 15 chest c 2 ventilation  … (2 or more rescures)
       c. m15 chest compression 1 ventilation
         the correct answer is a
Q12 - Picture show large ulcer over medial side of the leg . what is your management
        a. Shave biobsy
        b. Elevate the legs and stocking
        c. Topical steroids
         the correct answer is b
Q13 -   2months infant with white plaque on tongue and greasy ,past h/o clamydia conjunctivitis after birth treated by clinamycin what is ttt:
         a. Oral nystatin
         b. Topical steroids
         c. Topical acyclovair
                       d. Oral tetracycline
                          the correct answer is a.   oral nystatin : antifungal
Q14 -   child rt ear pain and tenderness on pulling ear , no fever , O/E inflamed odemateous rt  ear canal with yellow discharge >>>>>>>>>>dx:
         a. Otitis media
         b. Otitis externa
         c. Cholesteatoma

            the correct answer is b
Q15 -  34y female with HIV  pap smear negative, about cervical cancer screening :

a.       After 3m if negative repeat after 6m
b.      After 6m …………………………… annually
c.       After 1y………………………………….annually

The correct answer is c
Q16 -   female about 30y  with breast cancer (given cbc –chem. And reavel low hb and hematocrite….) what is the next step in mangment:
           a. Staging
           b. Lumpectomy
           c. Mastectomy
           d. chemotherapy
          the correct answer is a
Q17 -   child with moderate persistant BA On bronch.dilat inhaler. Presented with acute  exacerbation what  will you add in  ttt:
            a. Corticosteroid inhaler
            b. Ipratropum bromide inhaler

            the correct answer is b

Q18 -   lactating women 10 days after delivary developed fever ,malaise, chills tender Lt breast with hotness and small nodule in upper outer quadrant  with axillary LN .Leucocytic count was 14 *10/L dx:
               a. Inflammatory breast cancer
               b. Breast abscess
              c. Fibrocystic disease

                the correct answer is b

Q19 -  70y male with osteoporosis  the T score of bone densometry would be :
          a. -3.5
          b. -2.5
          c. 1
          d. 2
          e. 3.5
           the correct answer is b

Q20 -  scenario about female underwent  abdominal operation she went to physician
For check……….. U/S reveal metal thing inside abdomen (a.e missed during operation)
What will you do :
a.       Call the surgeon and ask him what to do
b.      Call attorney and ask about legal action
c.        Tell her what you found
d.      Tell her  that is one of possible complications of operation
e.      Don't  tell her what you found

The correct answer is c
Q21 -  All can cause gastric ulcer except:
a-   Tricyclic antidepressant.
b-  Delay gastric emptying.
c-   Sepsis.
d-  Salicylates.
e-  Gastric outlet incompetent.
         The correct answer is a
          Tricyclic antidepressant use in treatment of peptic ulcer.
Q22 -  48year old female lost her menstruation for 2 cycles, the method of contraception is condom,     examination was normal except for dusky discoloration of the cervix. What u will do next:
    a.Progesterone challenge.
    b.Beta HCG.
    c.Pelvic u/s
            The correct answer is b


Q23 -  15 y/o female complaining of pain during menstruation, not sexually active, medical hx unremarkable,   physical examination normal, how to treat:
a-   NSAID.
b-  Danazole.
c-   COC

         The correct answer is a

Q24 - What is true about alpha blocker:
a.   Causes hypertension.
b.   Worsen benign prostatic hyperplasia.
         c.  Cause tachycardia.

             the correct answer is c     
             alpha blocker :cause orthostatic hypotension and tachycardia.
Q25 -  cyclic menstruation that increase in frequency:
a.   Polymenorrhea.
b.   Hypermenorrhea.
c.   Menorrhagia.
d.   Dysmenorrhea.
        The correct answer is a
        Polymenorrhea : frequent menestration ( < 21 day cycle )
        Hypermenorrhea or menorrhagia : abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period at regular intervals . more than 80 ml of blood loss per cycle or prolonged bleeding , more than 8 days.
        Oligomenorrhea : increase length of time between menses ( 35-90 days b\w cycle)
        Metrorrhagia : bleeding bwteen period.
        Menometrorrhagia : exessive and irreglar bleeding.

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