
SAudi Licensing Exam--Exam Prep--Mock Exam 6 with answers and explanation

Mock Exam 6

Q1. Besides IV fluids, what is the most important drug to be given in anaphylaxis?
a) Epinephrine
b) Steroids

Q2. The best to give for DVT patients initially which is cost effective:
a) Low Molecular Weight Heparin “Enoxaparin”
b) Unfractioned Heparin
c) Heparin
d) Warfarin

Q3. Management of anaphylactic shock all of the following, EXCEPT :
a) IVF
b) 100% O2
c) Corticosteroid

Q4. Patient developed lightheadedness and SOB after bee sting. You should treat him with the following:
a) Epinephrine injection, antihistamine and IV fluid
b) Antihistamine alone

Q5. A child had bee bite presented after 18 hour with le
ft arm erythema and itching, what to do?
a) Antihistaminic
b) Oral steroid
c) Subcutaneous epinephrine

Q6.  In a patient with anaphylactic shock, all are correct treatments EXCEPT:
a) Epinephrine.
b) Hydralazine
c) Adrenaline.
d) Aminophillin.

Q7.  Most common symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma :
a) Paralysis
b) On growing mass
c) Pain

Q8. A 62. All following are criteria of chronic fatigue syndrome EXCEPT
a) More than 6 month, muscle pain and joint pain
b) Persistent, idiopathic, headache
c) Not relieved by rest + poor cognition
Q9.  Regarding chronic fatigue syndrome, which is true?
a) Antibiotics may reduce the symptoms
b) Antidepressants may reduce the symptoms
c) Rest may reduce the symptoms

Q10.  Burn patient is treated with Silver Sulfadiazine, the toxicity of this drug can cause:
a) Leucosytosis
b) Neutropenia
c) Electrolyte disbalance
d) Hypokalemia

Q11.  Patient complaining of hypotension & bradycardia. Electrolytes show: ¯Na, ­K, ­Cl, ­Urea. So the cause is:
a) Hyponatremia
b) hyperkalemia
c) hyperchloremia
d) uremia

Q12. The most common complication of mumps in Adults :
a) Labyrinthitis (0.005% of cases)
b) Orchitis (30% of cases)
c) Meningitis (10% of cases)
d) Encephalitis (less than 1% of cases)

Q13.  Adolescent female counseling on fast food. What you should give her?
a) Calcium and folic acid
b) Vitamin C and folic acid
c) Zinc and folic acid
d) Zinc and vitamin C

Q14.  17 years old boy admit to involve in recurrent illegal drug injection, what the screening test to do?
a) HIV
b) Hepatitis B

c) Hepatitis C

Here Are the answers with explanations


Q1. Besides IV fluids, what is the most important drug to be given in anaphylaxis?
a) Epinephrine
b) Steroids

Q2. The best to give for DVT patients initially which is cost effective:
a) Low Molecular Weight Heparin “Enoxaparin”
b) Unfractioned Heparin
c) Heparin
d) Warfarin

Q3. Management of anaphylactic shock all of the following, EXCEPT :
a) IVF
b) 100% O2
c) Corticosteroid
· Management of anaphylaxis is summarized by:- Epinephrine + Diphenhydramine, then oxygen + IV fluids

Q4. Patient developed lightheadedness and SOB after bee sting. You should treat him with the following:
a) Epinephrine injection, antihistamine and IV fluid
b) Antihistamine alone

Q5. A child had bee bite presented after 18 hour with left arm erythema and itching, what to do?
a) Antihistaminic
b) Oral steroid
c) Subcutaneous epinephrine

Q6.  In a patient with anaphylactic shock, all are correct treatments EXCEPT:
a) Epinephrine.
b) Hydralazine
c) Adrenaline.
d) Aminophillin.

Q7.  Most common symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma :
a) Paralysis
b) On growing mass
c) Pain

Q8. A 62. All following are criteria of chronic fatigue syndrome EXCEPT
a) More than 6 month, muscle pain and joint pain
b) Persistent, idiopathic, headache
c) Not relieved by rest + poor cognition
· All choices are true, the answer should be in the choices not written here

Q9.  Regarding chronic fatigue syndrome, which is true?
a) Antibiotics may reduce the symptoms
b) Antidepressants may reduce the symptoms
c) Rest may reduce the symptoms
· Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: characterizes by profound mental and physical exhaustion. In association with multiple system and neurotic symptoms that last at least 6 months. Must be new (not lifelong), must not be relieved by rest and must result in greater than 50% reduction in previous activity. Presentation with 4 or more of the following : poor memory / concentration, myalgia, arthalagia, sore throat, tender lymph node, recent onset headache, unrefreshing sleep, excessive tiredness with exercise.
· Treatment by cognitive and exercise therapy. Also, diet, physiotherapy, dietary supplements & antidepressants.

Q10.  Burn patient is treated with Silver Sulfadiazine, the toxicity of this drug can cause:
a) Leucosytosis
b) Neutropenia
c) Electrolyte disbalance
d) Hypokalemia

Q11.  Patient complaining of hypotension & bradycardia. Electrolytes show: ¯Na, ­K, ­Cl, ­Urea. So the cause is:
a) Hyponatremia
b) hyperkalemia
c) hyperchloremia
d) uremia

Q12. The most common complication of mumps in Adults :
a) Labyrinthitis (0.005% of cases)
b) Orchitis (30% of cases)
c) Meningitis (10% of cases)
d) Encephalitis (less than 1% of cases)
· In children the most common complication is Meningitis

Q13.  Adolescent female counseling on fast food. What you should give her?
a) Calcium and folic acid
b) Vitamin C and folic acid
c) Zinc and folic acid
d) Zinc and vitamin C

Q14.  17 years old boy admit to involve in recurrent illegal drug injection, what the screening test to do?
a) HIV
b) Hepatitis B
c) Hepatitis C
· All are correct but maybe Hepatitis C is most com

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