
Entry to ST3 Post (Specialty Training)? after Doing MRCP only?How about MRCP Ireland, MMed Singapore?

Entry to ST3 requirements:

There are 3 methods by which someone seeking ST3 training post in UK.
  1. Gaining Complete MRCP Diploma
  2. Alternative training pathway examinations
  3. EAA Eligibility
Gaining Complete MRCP Diploma

There are three parts to the MRCP(UK) examination - Part 1, Part 2 (written), and Part 2 (clinical examination) - commonly referred to as 'Part 1', 'Part 2' and 'PACES'.

Alternative training pathway examinations

Others will also accept training pathways for ST3 position if someone has done alternate training in other specialisties. These Include audiovestibular medicine clinical genetics clinical neurophysiology , dermatology haematology ,palliative medicine rehabilitation medicine and sport & exercise medicine .
These specialties are also accepted for the ST3.

EAA Eligibility

Under the EAA  EU-Directive 2005 Act  can also be eligible to get the post provided the information accordingly. See the link of the Act.

Questions arise how about the MRCP Ireland and MMed of singapore????

Are they accepted???

Here is the answers to these questions

MRCP Ireland

MRCP Ireland will not be accepted as a direct substitute for the MRCP(UK) in ST3 recruitment. However, candidates who are EEA nationals, whose training to date has been undertaken under the Irish 'Basic Specialty Training' system, and who have gained the MRCP(Ireland) examination, are likely to be eligible under the EEA eligibility rule described above (assuming all other criteria are also met).

MMed Singapore 

MMed Singapore qualification contain the full MRCP(UK) diploma, and hence will continue to be accepted as 'alternative' to MRCP(UK)

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