Showing posts with label FCPS 1 Surgery POOL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FCPS 1 Surgery POOL. Show all posts


FCPS Part 1 Surgery Past Paper 12 November 2014

FCPS Part 1 Surgery Past Paper 12 November 2014

Here is latest collection edition to fcps part 1 surgery

1. sephaneous n terminal br of

a)femoral(ans) b)obturator c)sciatic

2. adductor muscle hamstring muscle supplied by which nerve

a) tibial(ans) b)abturator c) femaoral d) common peroneal

3. gracillis supplied by

a)obturator n(ans) b) femoral d) common peroneal

4. adductor brevis supplied by

a) ant br of obturator n(ans) b)femoral d) common peroneal

5. fracture of surgical neck of humers, artery damaged

a)axillary n b) post.circumflex humeral(ans)

6. common bile duct parts

a) omental, retroduodenal, paraduodenal

b) ) omental, retroduodenal, paraduodenal, intaduodenal

c) , retroduodenal, paraduodenal, intraduodenal

7.lesser omentum contents except

a)short gastric a(ans) b) right gastric c) gastroepiploic d) lymphnodes and lymphatics

8.loss of small muscle of one hand damage

a) C8,T1 b) ulnar c)radial d) C5 C6

9) navicullar attachment except

a)middle cuniform b)medial cuniform c) lat cuniform d)talus(ans) e)calcanium

10) inion landmar of

a)glabella b)pterion c)extrnal occipital prominence(ans) d)internal occiptal groove

11) gastroduodenal a br of

a) rt hepatic artery(ans) b) celiac c) splenic

12) abduction at wrist all except

a)extensor carpii radial b)extenser digiti minimi(ans) c) oppenens policis d)extensor indicis e)flexor carpi radialis

13) tramadol

a)kappa nd meu b)strong kapa c)weak kappa d)strong meu e)weak meu

14)ketorolac analgesia most preferable

a) Thoractosy patient with ozzing blood from woung b) patient of peptic ulcer

c)Non diabetic cholecyctectomy d)Asthma patient having inguinal.hernia repair

15) suboccipital n supply which muscle

a)capitis b) lattisimus dorsi c) trapezius d)rectus capitis post(ans)

16) Radiotherapy most sensitive to

a)craniopharyngioma b)pineal tumor c)midbrain glioma d)glial glioma

17)bilat exopthlmos, antithyroid antibody presen

t a)graves(ans) b)hashimotos

18)all cancer cause by virus except

a)lymphoma b)kaposi sarcoma c) esophageal(ans) d) anal d)cervial

19) epitheial changes, endocervix in squamous tissue

a)metaplasia(ans) b)dysplasia

20)disease not cause by blood transfusion

a) tb(ans) b)malaria

21)about typical thoracic ribs all true except

a) tubercal of lower rib does not form synovial joint with vertebra

b) c)

too long statements difficult to remember

22)intercostobrchial n

a)2nd intercostal sensory b)post side of arm c) loss of nerve supply (ans)d) loss to preganglionic sympethaetic

23)sharp weapon injury at left 5th intercostal space, all damage except

a)fibrous pericardium b)serous parietal pericardium c) viseral paricardium d)pericdial cavity e)serous parietal nd viscer pleura(ans)

24) normal rasonance area in

a)rt 2nd to 4th midclvicular line b) right 4 to 6 midclavicular c) left 2nd to 4 mid clavicular d) left 2nd to 4 midaxillary

25)internal carotid a damage, bleeding, at what vertebral tubercle u will press to stop bleeding

a)3rd b)4th c)5th d)6th(ans) e)7th

26)right atrium related to all except

a)crista termnalis b) musculi pactini c)trabiculae d)fossa ovalis e) sinous venarum

27)human intermediate host

a)hydatid cyst b)

28)cysteriosis caused by

a) (ans)ingesting eggs of tenia solium b) ingesting cysts of tenia solium c) eating uncooked meat d) eating uncooked mutton

29) in asian population most common cause of macrocytosis

a) (ans) alcohal b)hemolysis c)hypothyrodism d) liver diease

30) which drug has more effect on coxII than cox I

a)aspirin b)celexocib(ans) c) nalproxane d)ketorolac

31)corticoteriod mechanism anti inflammatory

a) inhibit phospolipase A2 b) inhibit cycloxygenase c) inhibit lipoxygenae d) action on leukotriene B e) inhibit lukotriene D

32) superior vena cava except

a)remanat post vitelline vein b) commence at 1st thoracic vertebra c) end at third intercoastal space

33) scenerio about sacrioilac joint pain, loss of lumber ladorosis negative ana

a) HLA b27 (ans)b) rA

34) Internal oblique muscle aponeurosis

a)form conjoint tendon b) post boundary of inguinal canal c0 external spermatic fasia

35) RCA after ginving marginal branch obstruction affect

a)SA node b)av node c) apex of heart d)right atrium

36) penile urethra rupture

a)scortum under colles fascia b)tunica vahinilis c)thigh d)deep fascia

37)benign tumor


38)middle rectal a br of

a)internal iliac (ans)b) femoral c) common iliac d) supr mesentric

39)rotator cuff lesion affect all except

a) tere major

40)right testis tumor nodes affected

a)paraaortic (ans) b) righ deep inguinal c) sup inguinal

41)Chlamydial infection causing chlamydia psittacosis is

a).obligate intracellular B.)DNA derived from host

42)scenerio of granuloma wid yellow pigment


43) a person standing at same place for 1hour, what wl dec

a)diametr of aorta b)central venous pressure c)rennin d) adh

44) painful papule at labia

a) hsv II a)hsv I c) vz d) CMV

45)most perinium nd pelvis supplied by

a)pudendal b)femoral c)obturator

46)maintain flexor tone arm

a)corticopinl b)corticobulbr c) reticulo spinal d)rubro spinal(ans)

47)lower motor neuron lesion

a)muscle wasting (ans)b) hyperreflexia c) positive babinski d) spasticity

48)hemisetion with total spinal section differentaiad by

a) paraplegia in extension b) degre of reflex activity c)sensory loss permanat d) (ans)spinal shock

49)pancreas exocrine tumor most common

a)ductal adenocarcinoma b)acinar adenocarcinoma c) mixed d) intraductal

50)delayed action of insulin

a)glucose inside cell b)potasium inside cell c)inhibit protein catabolism d) protein synthesis e) stimulate mRNA transcription for lipogenesis

51) meckels diverticulum true except

a)arise from mesentric border b) pancreatic tissue may b prsent

52)gas having mximum diffusion capacity in body fluids

a)CO2 b)CO c)He d)O2 e) N

53) dec PO2 in blood

a)CO poisoning b)hypoventiltion c) anemia d) cyanide poisong e) hypoventilation

54)true regarding breast peau de orange appearance except

a) orange brown appearance due to necrosis b) dimpling of skin due to lymphatic obsturstion

c) subcutenous edema

55)A person living on river side since 2yrs, having blindness, opthalmologist indentify which larva

a) onchcerosis b) wucheria c) loa

56)enzymes for abcess formation

a)neutrophil b)serum c) lymphocyte

57)during surgery thyroid nerve present to a distance to superior thyroid a

a)externl lyryngeal n b)internal laryngeal c) recurrent

58)antrum of stomach removed

a)dec compliance b)inc acid output 3)increase gastrin

59) which condition not lead to mlignacy

a)iodine deficiency goiter b) chronic gastritis c) barret

60) anti bodies to sperm can cause all except

a) inhibit fertilization b) inhibit implantation c) prevent penetration cervical mucous d) prevent removal of sperm cap

61) margins of TB ulcer

a)undermined b) everted c)inverted

62) ulcer due to hypertension

a)decibuts b)marjolins c) martorell d) bazin

63) PTU inhibit (old)

Thyroid harmone foramtion

64) lt optic radiation lesion

a) right homonymous hemianopia b) left homonymous hemianopia

65) Internal laryngeal nerve passes through a) Arytenoid n cricoids cartilage b)Cricoid n thyroid c)Thyroid n hyoid

66) prgnanacy related senerio, PT and APTT inc (too long scenario but answer DIC )
a) DIC

67)A lady presented with with leg swelling for last five months and no cough nd fever, on investigation thre were bilateral plueral effusion and right atrium enlargemt...ast 200 ,alt250 ldh dearranged

a)good posture b)rheomatid arthritis c)recurrent thromboembolism d)renovascular hypertension e)chronic asthma

68)whichr used for screening congenital abnormality

a) estriol b)estrione c) estradiol

69)phenyl over alcohol anaesthesia

a) effect detected soon b) less painful c) phenol most potent

70) 134Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone k receptors act through.. ligand chanel involves a)tyrosine kinase, b)g coupled c)Increase transcription

71)patient developed hemolysis due toG6PdD deificiency nxt happen

b)self limiting c) hemolysis with G6PD d)autosomal domint

72)iron insoluble form

a)ferritin b) transferring c) hemosiderrin

73) Primitive streak mesoderm cells migrate around the cloacal membrane to form ant. Abdominal wal cell, if ths migration does not hapen around the cloacal membrane will ruptureand open caudly as.

a)exstrophy of bladder b)imperfrate anus c)hypospedia d) ectopic anal opning

74)thymus except ( very long statements)

a) no lymph node no sinus

75)teratogenic drugs except

a) diethylbestrol b) fluxuotene chloride (other options oh God don’t know from where cpsp found them

76)liver development

a)from dorsal mesentry proximal midgut

b) from dorsal mesentry proximal forgut c) from ventral mesentry proximal foregut d) ventral mesentry proximal midgut

77) great tronchetric fracture, cant walk properly painful swelling, next complication

a)pulm thromboembolism b)soft tissue tumor

78)post triangle relations

79)drain into left brachiocephalic vein

a) sup thyroid a b)middle thyoid a c) inf thyroid d) facial

80)acute appendicitis scenerio, on pathologicl emanination

a) neutrophil in muscular wall

b) lymphoid hyperplasia with giant cell in muscular wall

81)64 year Old man with posterior cervical lympadenopathy which is firm and mobile. Hb 13-14 hct 40 wbc 7230 plateletes 250000 no hepato splenomegaly seen biopay showed numerous small monomophic lyphocytes a)infectious mononucleosis b) hodgkin lymphcyte predominant c) CLL d) reactive hyper plasia

82)hb 10, O2 sturation 90, PO2 60 , ask abt to calculate O2 contents

a) 10 b) 13) 18) 21

83)girl with h/o of gum bleeding, giant platelets , plt count 85k,

a)von willibrand b) bernaud solier c).familial thrombocytopathy d).thrombocytopenia e).ITP

84) for CCF, thiazide and loop diuritc given work simultaneously in excretion of Na and chloride from

a)ascending loop of henele b) proximal tubult c) distal tubule d) descending limb

85) required for transport of B12 in blood

a) intrinsic factor b) TC 1 c) TC 2 (ans) d) TC 3

86)terminal ileum removed what happens

a)large amount of water in feces b) decreased amino acid absorption c) increased bile acid and entero hepatic circulation d) increased fat absorption

87) protein content less in glomerular filtrate occur due to

a) pore size and negative charge b) rapid active transport absorbtion

89) increase in aldosterone dure to inc in

a)high K b) angiotensin 2

90)35 year old man bilat crepts, on xray chest heart fills completely

a)mesothelioma b)rhabdomyosarcoma b)angiosarcoma c) myxoma

91)about flexor hallucis longus

a) tendion can be felt immediately post to medial maleolus

b) inserted on first metarsal base

other too long statements

92)superficial parotid painless tumor, psudopoid growth, contain no capsule on histopatho

a)pleomorphic b)warthin c)mucoepidermoid d) cyst adeno carcimona 93).Hypertensive ulcer

a) bazin b) martorel c) curling d) decubitus

94). Broca's area and near lying spinothalemic tract blood supply

a) middle cerebral b) anterior cerebral c) post cerbra

95. betel nut chewing causes a)Submuscosal (ans)

b) ulceration

c) keratosis

96. Middle cranial fossa dural sensory loss is due to Vagus Trigeminal (ans) Glosopharyngeal

96) tumor doubling time not depend on a) exfoliation b) oxygen in tumor environment c) necrosis

97) old man develepod discomfort in abdomen with enlargement massive Splenomegaly(3000 gm)

a)sickle cell b)Mononucleosis c) portal Hypertension

97)Reflexes correctly marched a)Bicep C6 (ans) b) triceps C8 c) abdominal L5 S1 d) knee L4 L5

98)Rt ovarian vein drains into ivc (ans)

99)Which is not related in pain transmision a)A delta b)Medical leminiscus (ans) c)spinal leminiscus d) neospinal tract

100)regarding posterior communicating artery

a)connect post cerebral to internal carotid b) connect post and middle cerebral c) pass anterior to occulomotor and connect internal carotid with post cerebral d) connect basilat and internal carotid e) connect post cerbellar inernal carotid

101)local cause of edema a)Allergy

102) what separates maternal and fetal blodd in last trimester

a) Syncytotrophoblast + endothelium b) syncytiotrophoblast + cytotrophoblast c) syncithio trophoblast only d) cytio trphoblast only

103)Mucous acni presnt in? a)parotid b)submandibular c)sublingunl gland (ans)



104)other than steroid snthesis smooth ER also helps a)detoxification (ans) b)protein synthesis

105)ADH is inhibited by

a) alcohol b) increased plasma osmolarity c) angiotensin 2 d) dec ECF

106)estrogen containing ocp will cause mostly: a> thromboembolism (ans) b> breast cancer

107)which investigation or observation is more reliable in diagnosis of tb: a> positv montaux test b> caseating granuloma in tissue biopsy c> acid fast bacilli seen (ans) d> cavitating lesion on chest xray e> pyrexia at evening

108)BuccoPharyngeal facia sepreate? a)Nasopharyngeal from mouth

b) pharynx and larynx c) foregut from stomach( not exactly this quiest difficult statement)

109)Which product of fat metabolism can enter kerbs cycle a)Acetyl Co A (ans) b)Pyurvate c) lactate

110)chemiccal mediator For carcinogen a. a 1 antitrypsin b)benzidine (ans)

c)methyl alcohol

d) propyl alcohol

111)physiological Dead space a)Warms and humidifies air b)Upto respiratory bronchiole c) decrese in shallow breathing d) decrease in recumbent position

112)large Bolus stuck after eating what will happen next A. Its never happens B.secondary persiatlisis will be generayed by intrinsic nervous sytem to remove it (ans)

c) swallowing centre activated

113)Female child,breast fed developed jaundice on 2nd day hb 9 bilirubin 8 unconjugated ..

a) mother is rh positive

b)breast feeding jaundice

c)physiological jaundice

114)Person under spinal anesthesia durng surgry sudunly go into shock due to? A.loss of blood B.over dose of ansthesia C.loss of vasomtr tone

115)End arteries a)Freely anastomose b) if blocked causing no damage c)presnt in vital organs d)form precappilry anastomosis

115. Wegener's granulomatosus repeat question

116)During exercise decreased TPR is due to a)Skeletal muscle arterioles dilation due local metabolites

b)due to increase coronary flow to brain c) increase splanchnic flow

116) Child wd edema.1st line investigation a)Urine prtn

c)albumin globulin ratio c)Bloodd albumin

117)About Hyline cartilage a)Collagn n elastic fibers r visibl a)Collagen fibers visibl a)Fibers r absent a)Elastc fibers r visibl

118)After adrenalectomy.taste preference will be increased for a)Glucose b)Nacl c)Kcl d)Morphine

119)Rh compatibility which IG? a)IgM, b)IgG

c) igD

d)ig A

120)Apex of heart a)Most superior part b)Directly downward to ryt side c)In left 3rd intrcostal space

d) lies 8 cm away from median plan

121)6 years old Child with large testis n penis inc 17 ketosteroid in urine a)testicular tumor b)adrenogenital syndrome c)Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

d)adrenal tumor

122)dna is also present in adiition to nucleus in which organelle: a> mitochondria (ans) b> rer c> ser d> Golgi bodies e> lysosomes

123) Metaplasia... chronic irritation(Ans) sun rays, uv rays

124)Def.of metaplasia... a)replacement of 1 epithelium by other (ans)

101Most importt factor in. neutrophictaxis... a)c5a b)Bacterial products

c) leukotrienes

125)disc displacement causes sensory loss diue to impingment on a).spinal nerve or post root b).post ramus

c)ant root

126) Barr body diagnostic for a)Turner (ans)

b) kline felter

127)Structure right to trachea as it pases in thorax from sup mediastinum a)vagus nerve b) mediastinal pleura

c) aortic arch

d) tracheobronchial nodes

128) Max blood volume a)Caplaries b)Arteries c)Veins n Venules

d) aorta

129)time Interval betwee. 1st and 2nd heart sounds.. equals to a)ventricular systole

b)atrial systole

c) cardiac cycle

d)artiral diastole

e)ventricular distole

130)most important to detect Diabetic nephropathy.. a)Urine albumin


c)creatine clearance

d) serum creatine


131)in uremic nephropathy a)hypochromic normocytic anemia b)severe hypotentiin

c) hemolysis

132)prevalence a)Cases of disease in population

b)doesnot include new cases

133)incidence a)New cases in given time(ans)

134)child diagnose with disease causing permanent disability reaction of parents? a)Denial (ans)



135)Counseling done for. a) involves empathy and compasion b)best possible treatment

c) to enhance self understanding

136)large no of mitochondria present in apex a)Cilia, b)skeletal muscle

c) cardiac muscle

d) smooth ER

137) stimulation of golgi tendon organ causes

a) relaxation in muscle


138)Actin,myosin and clathrin involved in transport which type a)Facilitated diffusion b)Active transport c)Passive transpot d)Simple diffusion e)Pinocytosis

139)whn will u do dilaysis whn gfr decreases by % a)5 (ans) b)20 c)30 d)40 e)50

140)About kidney A)Ryt renal artry largr thn left B)Renal fat extrnl to the peri renal facia C)Left renal vein anterior to aorta n renal atry (ans) D)left kdndy lowr then the right kdny

141)Which factor does not take part in intrinsic pathway a)Factor10 b)Factor7. c)Factor 8

d)factor 12

141) Cholelithiasis in a pregnant lady. reliable test? a. ALT b. GGT c. ALP

142)what happens when dec sodium reaches macula densa

a) angiotensin release

b) rennin release

143)pt wd protein in urine defect present a)basement membrane

b)proximal tubule

144)man in hot sunny environment fell...finding na 122 due to a)excessive sweating

b)decrease water intake

c)decrese reabsorption

vonebner brunner

145)involved in hydroxylation in collagen synthesis a)Ascorbic acid

b) biotin

146)about post fontanell a)close at same time as ant fontanel b)Poster is bigger than the anterior c)Present at the posterior occipital side (Ans)

d)felt in occipito-posterior postion

e)can be felt in asyntilic postion ( something with asyntilism)

147)alles are a)regulatory genes b)walled off frm genes c)non identical on same locus (Ans)

148)increase alpha adrenoreceptor stimulation would lead to increase in a)vasodilation

b)git activity

c) pupil diameter

149)A drug with parasympathetic effect lead to decrease in a) pancreatic secretion

b) saliva secretion

c)git motility

d) eye diameter

150) carotid sinus a)respond to changes in bp

b)respond to change in ph

168) regarding amniotic membrane

a) derived from hypoblast

b) derived from fetal endoderm c) non-immunogenic

169) lady presented with persistent asthenuria ( dilute urine) defect

a) high blood urea

b) fixed specific gravity

c) low urine nacl

170) severe hypomagnesia result in


b)hyper calcemia


171) injury causing crushin at centre of optic chiasm

a) bitemporal hemianopia

b)homonymous hemianopia

172) does not cause increase in thirst

a) Angiotensin 2

b) adh

c) increase ECF

173)regarding Rh agglutinins

a)present on rbc membrane

b) develop in –ve mother with rh positive fetus

174) regarding auto regulation in coronary

a)sympathetic system involved more

b) vasodilation due to local metabolites

c) vasodilation is due to local metabolits in brain

175) which artery damage in relation in damage to phrenic nerve

a) muslophrenic b) pericardio phrenic c) sup epigastric

176) regarding finding in meningitis

a) glucose increase in viral

b) glucose decrease in pyogenic

177) Regarding active transport about drugs which is incorrect A) saturable B) require energy C) all drugs tranpoted by this mechanism

d)involves cariers

178) about pancrease

a. . they are inferior to stomach b. sup mesenteric pas anterior to uncinate process

179) wrong about stomach blood supply

Left gastric artery is on greater curvature

180) organism causing cerebral malaria

a) p. falciparum

b)p. vivax

c) p. malaria

181) p.falciparum disease

a)black water fever

182) regarding coronary supply

a) right coronary artey give branch to sa node av bundle bundle of hid

b)left coronary artery devides into anterior interventricular and LCx

183) microscopic feature of malignancy

a)highy NC ratio

b) invasion


184) microscopic feature in chronicity

a) plasma cell infiltrate

b)lymphocyte infiltrate

c) fibrosis

184)ulcer developed in bid toe in diabetic patient cause

A) angiopathy neuro pathy

b) due to atherosclerosis

c) angiopathy

185) about pituatry gland

a) vein drain directly in dural sinuses

b) partly derived from foregut

c) related to ethmoidal sinus

d)optic chiasm lie anteriorly

186) CD4 cells

a)inducers of plasma cells

b) helper cells



187)help in platelet adhesion

a)damaged endothelium

b)smooth endothelium


188) leukocyte adhesion factor is a) integrin b) selectin

189) thyroid gland covered in





1. most imp. stress hormone
Growth hormone

2. wat is not in relation with right kidney
decending colon*
ascending colon

3. wat is not in relation with pitutary gland
Facial nerve*
Abducent nerve
Sphenoid sinus

4. tributery of external carotid vein
Anterior jugular vein*
Facial vein

5. side effect of thophyllin
nausea and vomiting*

6. Nor-epinephrine & serotonin degration by

7. chemotaxic factor
leukoterine B4*
C5 complex

8. wat is not in post. relation with left kidney
Ascending colon
Descending colon

9. wat is in between celeiac trunk and superior messentry artery
Pancreas + jujenum
Transverse colon + ilium

10. what is secreted in breast milk
Ig G*
Ig A
Ig M
Ig D
Ig E

11. wat cannot pass placenta
Ig G
Ig A
Ig M*
Ig D
Ig E

12. ant and post spinal arteries arise from

vertebral artery gives anterior spinal, PICA gives post. Spinal*
Internal carotid
Vertebral artery and ant cerebellar artery

13. from which foramen facial nerve enters temporal lobe
internal accustic meatus*
stylomastoid foramen
foramen ovale
foramen spinosum

14. When r the ventricles filled with blood
Atrial systole
Rapid in flow

15. A boy had behavior problem, loss of memory but resolve …..he is agressive in his mood, where is damage
Mammillory bodies
frontal lobe*
temporal lobe
parital lobe
occipital lobe

16. a new born presented with obstructive jaundice,,,,, gall bladder looks ok in U/s, cause
Atresia of CBD*
Atresia of entire extra hepatic apparatus
Atresia of hepatic duct
Choledochal cyst

17. A man with noticed weakness of left side of the body, hypotonia of the left limb, he swangs to left side, where is the lesion
Cerebral hemisphere
Left cerebellum *
superior c puduncle
Red neucleus

18. adrenalcortical insuficancy causes

19. In resting stage actin is attached to

20. if there is damage to sciatic nerve, supply to the dorsum of foot is by
sephenous nerve*
Sural nerve
Common peroneal
Deep peroneal

21. patient with difficulty in standing from sitting postion....
Gluteus Maximum*
Gluteus medius
Tensor fascia lata
Quadricep femoris

22. wat is not in relation with left recurrent nerve
Arch of aorta
Lig arteriousum

23. stucture compressing Esophagus
Left bronchus (correct)
Left Venticle
Right Atrium
Right ventricle

24. Esophagus constriction at
Aortic arch*
Left ventricle
Rt atrium

25. wat vein run with Post. interventricle artery
great cardiac vein
middle cardiac *
small cardiac

26. utrine cancer spread to labia majore via
Round ligament*
utrosacral ligament

27. Basalic vein .
drain in axillary ven*
runs on radial side
starts from palmar surface

28. median nerve
supply lateral 2 lumbricals*
causes wrist drop

29. injury of neck of the humerus, nerve damage
Axillary nerve*

30. wat is in proximal layer of carpal bone, true
Scaphoid, lunate triqutral & pisiform*

31. broncopulmonary segment wat is true
anatomical, fuctional n unit of the lung*
contains lobar bronchus
pulmonary veins run in intersegmental tissue

32. urinary bladder, wat is true
supplied by anterior division of internal iliac*
separated from uterus by pouch of Douglas
in males has seminal vesical above and vas deferens below

33. sephenous nerve wat is true
drain into femoral 3.5cm inferior n lateral to pubic tubercle*
has only 1 tributary
connected to short sphenous by perforators

34. down syndrome
trisomy 21*

35.Which of the following tissue is most radiosensitive
Skeletal muscle

36. diagnostic test for strptococuss is
ASO titer
Blood culture*
Urine Dr

37. 65% of Na and water reabsorbed from
Loop of Henle
Collecting duct

38. injury to hippocampus
Memory loss*

40. .Erythropoietin is secreted from
Yellow marrow
Macula densa
Preitubualr capillaries*

41. medial part of breast supply which node
internal thoracic*
lateral grp
ant grp
medial grp

42. diapharam contraction cause
increase in thoracic pressure
increase in thoracic diameter

43. thoracic duct
passes with aorta *

44. sypathetic supply by alpha receptors
dilator pupilary musscle of eye*

45. parasympathetic supply
inc. secretioin of slivary gland*

46. gastric emptying delayed by

47. A boy has edema due to protien loss of 3.5g in urine..., wat is the cause of edema
Plasma colloid pressure is decreased*
Increase hydrostatic pressure
Increased capillary permeability

48. wat is not supplied by internal thoracic artery
Inferior portion of rectus muscle*
Ant abd wall upto umbilicus

49. Patient Gravida 4 with anemia and occult blood in stool
Iron deficiency anemia *
Sideroblastic anemia
Megaloblastic anemia

50. iron absorb in
ferruos form*

51. Bile salt absorb from
Proximal jejunum
Distal jejunum

52. Trachea start from ….wat is true
Cricoid cartilage

53. wat is true abt CSF
secreted at rate of 500 ml/day*
choroid villi are seen by naked eye
aqueduct transmits CSF from 4th ventricle to spine

54. blood supply to Bundle of His.
Circumflex artery a br. Of left coronary artery
Posterior interventricular artery
Main Left coronary artery
Main right coronary artery

55. metastatic carcinoma least common site

56. premotor area , which artery supplies
Anterior and middle cerebral (correct)
Middle and post. Cerebral
Anterior and pst. Cerebral

57. arterial supply to primary visual area

58. A boy defecate just after he takes meal, wat the reflex
gagtrogastric reflex
gastro coic reflex (correct)

59. Median of 20,20,25,25,30,30.35,40

60. nerve supply to latismus dorsi
long thoracic

61. Right bronchus as compare to left
is longer
ant to pul artery
right bronchus is more vertical than left*

62. A surgeon did a study on patients with heamorroids
he included 100 pt in grpA and treated them surgicall
whil kept the other 100pt on high fiber diet
he interviewd them after 12mons and found that the grp with surgical treatment had a better response…… wat type of study is this?
Case control
Randomized control trial

63. Doctor patient relations and how good a doctor is known by
his degrees
his records
his pleasant behavior and bed side manners*

64. if a patient develops a fatal disease it is best to
hide it from him
tell it to him and his family as soon as possible*

65.Benedicts test is done for
blood sugar
urinary glucose
urinary reducing sugars*

66.sup parathyroid gland
is related to sup thyroid artey*
lies outside the pretracheal fasciae
lies anterolatral to thyroid

67.MHC complex is
related to HLA typing*
blood grp antigens
same in identical twins

68. first part of axillary artery ends at
border of pectoralis major
border of pec minor *
border of teres major

69.Esophagus is related to which structure whose dilatation can cause dysphagia
l atrium*
left vent
Rt atrium

70. If RCA is occluded distal to the origin of right marginal artery which part of the heart will be affected most?
Rt atrium
Apex of the heart

71. Myleination of the brain wat is most inappropriate?
Starts at birth
Occurs hapharzadly
Sensory neuros are myelinated first
Occurs by oligodendrogliocytes

72. A patient with multiple fractures and BP 90/60 pulse 60/min wat is the most appropriate initial treatment?

IV fluids*
Reduction os fractures

73. Factor 9 def wat is the appropriate treatment?

Whole blood

74. DIC most inappropriate

low FDP*
consumptive coagulopathy
treated with heparin
low platelets

75. Kleinfelters syndrome
chromosomal deficiency
autosomal dominant
autosomal recessive
extra X chromosome*
extra Y chromosome

76. Fat embolism most unlikely
urinary test is diagnostic*
occurs due to trauma to fatty tissues
caused bt acute pancreatitis

77. Highest mortality rate
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis E

78. Diphtheria is transmitted by
sexual contact
respiratory *
feco oral

79.which organ has least chance of metastasis

80. which organism causes meningitis secondary to pyogenic lung abscess?

81. thromboembolism is most common in?

82. OCP increase the risk of
breast cancer
endometrial cancer

83. Osteoporosis is less in premenopausal women due to effect of

84. A trauma patient in shock with stab wound along left 10th rib which organ is damaged?

85. in autosomal recessive disease
all siblings are affected
both parents are affected
only mother is affected
all siblings have a chance of one into four of contracting the disease*

86.which of these is not caused by bacteria

87. Most likely finding in CSF

inc glucose in fungal meningitis
dec glucose in viral meningitis
lymphocytosis in aseptic meningitis
dec glucose in pyogenic meningitis

88. most imp for wound contraction

89. smooth muscles are
mostly arranged in circular and longitudinal layers *

90. hyperparathyroidism causes least likely
dystrophic calcification*
inc PTH

91. Ductus deferens ends into
Prostatic urethra
Ejaculatory duct*

92. About large gut
descending colon has no haustra
appendix has no tenia*
all large gut is supplied by inf mesenteric artery
ascending colon has a mesentry

93. most probable abt gall bladder.
Has thick submucousa
Mucousa has extensive folds*

94. a patient with known HBV infectio comes with
HBSAg + HBe ab+ HBV DNA + HBC IGM ab+
Wat is the diagnosis?
Acute dis *
Chronic carrier
Chronic active

95. Which HBpathy presents with crises
sickle cell trait
sickle cell disease*
Hb C

96. unconjugated bile is carried by which protein?
Albumin *
Pre albumin
A globulin
B globulin

97.After gastrectomy patient will develop
iron def anemia
megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid def
pernicious anemia*
sideroblastic anemia

98. 60 yr male with lymphandenopathy and low hb low platelets and increased wbc
microscopy show large mature cells wats the diagnosis?


99. what Is true abt Hb
consisits of alpha and gamma chains in adults
imp buffer of H+ *
not assoc with CO2 transport

100.PDGF is secreted from which part of platelets
alpha granules
dense bodies

101. which cells produce antibodies
plasma cells*
T cells

102. Heparin is released from which cells.
Mast cells*

103. Epitheloid cells in granulomas are formed by which cells
langerhans cells*

104. thyroid is invested in which fascia?
Deep cervical

105. wat is true abt thyroid
consists of collecting ducts and acini
epi changes shape according to state of activity.*
Has parthyroids ant to it

106. wat is true abt pituitary
ant pitutiary derived from neurons
no portal vessels btw hypothalamus and post pituitary*

107. Satiety center is located in which part of hypothalamus

108. D & C at 18 days after LMP endometrium will show which stage of uterine cycle?

109. at the end of pregnancy uterus is most sensitive to which hormone?

110. Most abundant phagocytic cells in circulation

111. ICF & ECF differ in

inc K+ in ICF

112. most potent stimulus for release of aldosterone is

inc K+ *
inc Na+
inc glucose

113. Pallegra is due to def of
niacin *
vit C

114. Trauma to the middle meningeal artey causes
subdural hemorrhage
epidural hemorrhage*

115. patient with loss of fine touch proprioception and vibration injury to which part of spinal cord?
Fasiculus gracilis
Fasiculus cuneatus
Post white column*
Lateral white column

116. in females which structure lies btw ureter and peritoneum
uterine artery*
inf vesicle artery

117. which of these muscles is a part of the pelvic diaphragm
deep transverse perinei

118. wat is not true abt adrenal gland
fetal gland is 1/3 size of the adult gland
it is invested by renal fascia
adrenal cortex is derived from mesoderm

119. which structure is most ant in popliteal fossa
popliteal vein
politeal artey *
tibail nerve
bicep femoris

120.tendon of which of these muscles is intracapsular
bicep femoris

121. which of these are the major resistance vessels

122. patient losses 1 litre of body fliud in 1 hour wat will happen first
inc PR
inc BP
inc veno spasm*

123. a person in a room with optimum enviormental conditions how will the heat loss occur

radiation and conduction*

124. major part of energy utilized during breathing is to overcome
elastic recoil of lungs*
resistance of chest wall
large airway resistance
small airway resistance

125. a bullet pierces the intercostals space which layer will it come after the intercostals muscles

parietal pleura
visceral pleura
endothoracic fascia*
pleural cavity

126. which vessel will be damaged if the phrenic nerve is cut

int thoracic

127. which of these is not a branch of internal iliac
sup rectal*
middle rectal
inf vesicle
sup vesicle

128. lymphatic of uterus do not drain into
int iliac nodes
ext iliac nodes
sup ing nodes
inf mesenteric nodes*

129. a patient with hoarseness and lyrangeal nodule which is most unlikely
atrophy *

130. pseudo hypoparathyroidism.
Due to inc ca
Dec vit D

131. wat is seen in dysplasia
inc NC ratio*
inc mitosis

132. metastatic tumors are identified by

invasion of other structures*
inc NC ratio
inc mitosis

133. sarcomas have
rapid growth
inc vascularity*

134. epi of a smoker will show

inc ciliated epi
mixture of st sq and pseudostratified cells*
dec goblet cells

135. most unlikely abt glomerulus is

has urinary space btw 2 layers
is cup shaped
is blind ended part of tubule
has stratified epi*
has podocytes

136. which vessel is involved and dilated in portal HTN

portal vein*
hepatic artey
hepativ vien

137. most unappropraite abt liver
has dual blood supply
hepatic artey gives only 35% of O2
portal vein has 70% O2 *

138. not part of the portal tract

portal vein
hepativ artery
bile duct
hepatic vein*

139. not a part of axillary nodes
ant grp
medial grp
apical grp
central grp
deep cervical*

140. Clavipectoral fascia
completely covers pectoralis minor*
forms suspensory lig of breast
forms axillary tail

141. in males uretric stones mostly lodge at which point
just below kidney*
at crossing of ext iilac vessels
at pelvic brim
at ischeal spine

142. if there is fracture of the acetabulum post and superiorly which bones r inv
ileum and ischium *
ileum and pubis
isschium and pubis

143. most constricted part of the male urethra?
Ext meatus*
Navicular fossa

144. at the level of second part of duodenum wat is unlikely

aorta at the right of SVC*
left renal vein

145. pain of the ovary is transmitted to the medial side of thigh thru which nerve

146. left ventricle does not contain
supraventricular crest
chordae tendinae
aortic vestibule
papillary muscles

147. epidural space
contains venous plexus*
contiues into skull at foramen magnum
attached to dorsal coccyx
upto S2

148. Otic ganglion lies under

foramen ovale*
foramen spinosum
maxillart nerve
stylomastoid foramen

149. middle menigeal artery enters thru which foramen?

Foramen spinosum*
Foramen rotundum
Foramen ovale

150. Superior petrosal sinus lies in
falx cereberi
fakx cerebelli
tentorium cerebellli*
diaphragma sella

151. Great cerebral vein does not drain
deep cerebral vein
sup cerebral vein
basal vein
thalamic vein

152.which of these is not a basic tissue of the body

153. Osmotic pressure depends on
electrical equivalence
conc gradient
no of particles
mol size

154. chemoreceptors respond to
inc PCO2*
dec PO2
inc Ph
inc temp

155. Processus vaginalis
covers testis only*
covers ductus deferens
forms ext spermatic fascia
arises from parietal peritoneum
arises from visceral peritoneum

156. Dorsal rami of nerves supply
ext of trunk
ext of limbs

157. which vessel lies ant to IVC
left renal vein
left renal artery
right renal vein
right renal artery
right testicular vein*

158. if inguinal canal of a female is opened wat does it contain

round ligament and ilioinguinal nerve

159. lymphatic drainage of testis is into

para aortic nodes
sup ing nodes
int iliac nodes
ext iliac nodes


1- Occulocardiac reflex mediated by

2- 1 gram of protein contains calories?
a) 4 calories

3-7th lobe of lung is called
a) medial basal

4-A marathion runner wins a race.What will be with blood insulin and Glucogan levels at the time when he crosses the win line?

5- Mandibular fracture occurs just brfore the mandibular foramen.
a) loss of taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
b)Myelohoid muscle is unable to stabalizse mandible?
c) Loss of sensation to lower teets?
6-Head of femer
a) has anger of 125 with shaft
b)posteriorly completely covered by capsule?
c)epicondyls are in parallel line with shaft
7-Lymph nodules are present in
c)Lymph nobes
8-In DIC ,there is
a)decreased palatlets
9-what is inferior in perenium?
a) pereniul membrane
10)spleen is
a) mesodermal
11)according to recent recommendations, recurrent MI should be treated with?
a) Anticoagulants
b) Lipid lowering drugs
c) Beta blockers
12)Stratified squamous epithelium is present in
a )palatine tonsils
13) Low voltage QRS comples ios seen in
a) MI
b) Bundel branch block
14)Isthmus of thyroid is present at
a)C1- 2
15)Head of Humerous is supplied by
a) Anterior circumflex artery
b)Posterior circumflex artery
c)Suprescapular artery
d)Subscapular artery
16) Gene are composed of
a) RNA

17) I/V dopamine is given to a patiend.followin if true about it onset of action
a) 5 min
b)5 sec
c) 60 sec

18)I/V sedation is given to a patient. Following is true about its arm-brain circulation
a)60 sec
d)5 sec
19) DVT is most common in
a)Femoral vein
b)popleteal vein
c)Superficial vericosed veins of leg

20) Which of the following is not a tumor marker
a)Acid phosphatase

21) Pus contains
a)Dead bacteria
b)Dead neutrophils
22) The most common cause of fatty liver in our society is
a) Alcohol
b)Hepatitis B and C
c Drugs

23) Carotid bodies respond to
a) increase blood H+
b)Increase blood co2

24) In anterior Duodenal perforation , the contents will go to
a) Right iliac fossa
b)Left Iliac fossa
c)Anterior subhepatic space
d)posterior subhepatic space
e) small bursae
25) Metabolic alkalosis results from
a)Ingestion of ammonium chloride
b)ingestion of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

26)A Diabetic patient fas urine ketones and urine glucose ++
the cause is ?
b)Insulin difficiency

27 Response to chemotherapy is because it causes

28)Dorsal column damage results in Ataxia because
a)loss of pathway from dorsal column to thalamus
b)Loss of proprioception input to cerebellum
c)Loss of proprioception to Thalamus
d) Loss of proprioception to Hypothalamus

29)Which of following nerve passes dorsal to brain stem?
a) 3, b) 4, c)5, d) 12, e) 9
30-A patient has hb 6, palatelet 450,000, with Hypercellular bone marrow/\
a)Due to drug he is using for anaemia
b) Leukemia
c) Iron deficiency anaemia
d)G6PD deficiency

31) The sign of cerebellar disease is
b)Static tremor

31)Neurohypophysis drain secretions
a) Adrenergic neurons
b)cholinergic neurons
c)free nerve endings
a)has osmolarity <1040 b) pressure <10 mm of water c) protein >200
33) Stimulation of Alpha adrenergic neurons

34)End arteries are present at
35) In Tempomandibular Joint Dislocation,What structure prevents the the joint to go back in cavity?
a) Tubercles on articular surface of mandible
b)Tempomandibular ligament
c)Lateral Ptyregoid muscle
d)Medial Ptyregoid muscle

36)Where the gangliom joining the superior petrosal nerve and inferior petrosal nerve is located?

37) A patient has hypercarboxyhemoglobin. He is breathing 100% oxygen. After how much time ,his blood will have 100% oxygen?
a) 1 min
b)2 min
c)5 sec
d) 5 min
38) FRC is?
a) TV + ERV
39)Aldosterone stimulate
a) Melatonin?

40)A patient has fever 40c with flank pain ,increases frequency and chills and riggors.\
a) Blood culture
b)urine culture
c) Blood and urine culture
40)Following is not true?
a) HCV positive carriers have not been reported
41) Pulse pressure is increased in

42) A grand father was playing with his grandson with holding his wrist and rotation him in a circule.Suddenly the child starded crying and sit with holding his forarm in porn position. What happent ?
a) Proximal Radio ulnar joint dislocation
b)Distal Radio ulnar joint dislocation
c)Fracture of acromion

43) Regarding typhoid fever
a) Asypmtomatic
b)Carriers do not excreate causative agent in fees
c) Asypmtomtic carriers should be isolated and treated

44) Incision is given on Rt Lumbar area. The layers incised will be
a) Skin-superficial facia-deep facia- external oblique-internal oblique-transverse –Transverse fascia-exta peritoneal fat- peritoneum
b) skin- superficial fascia- extaperitoneal fat- peritinium

45) Carpus callosum
a) connects the two hemispheres

46)Most constricted part of male urethra is
a) External meatus
47)Superior Thyroid glands
a) Are located behind the Thyroid gland outside the facia
b)Have blood supply from the superior thyroid arteries

48) Which of the following is true
a) Piriformis attach to inferion trochanter
b) Schiatic nerve passes through superior sciatic foramen

49) A structure lined by cuboidal epithelium, and its center contains two calcified bodien of pink colour. What is it?

a) Prostate

50)25 cholecalciferol is not converted to 1,25 cholecalciferol in

a)Hepatic failure
b)Renal Failure
51) Which of the following is not present in posterior relations of kidney?
a) colic flexure

52) Rt border of heart is formed by
a)Rt atrium

53) In pregnancy ,Lactation does not occur because
a) Increased Level of progesterone and Estrogen
54) Which of the following have Pulmonary cycle?
a) Ascariasis

55)Causative agent of meningitis in 60 years old man is
a) St pneumonia
56) Cause of death in pneumonia bue to shock is
a)Gram –ve bacteria
c)st pneumonia
57) Diphtheria exotoxin hane powerful effect on
a) Larynx
c)Nerve endings
58) Aspiration of peanut will go in
a) Right lower bronchus
59) A female with butterfly ace,joint pain, Flank pain could have
a) SLE
60) A young patient has difficulty in swallowing
a) Sclerodermia
61) A patient with SLE have
a) Possitive ANA
b) Possitive anti SS

62) Incision on Supra pubic area caused heavy bleed. It could be
a) Damage to inferior epigestric artery?
63) In Hypoxia, cell swelling occurs due to
a) Entry of water in cell fromj surrounding
b) Entry of lipids

64)What is potent Antoxident ( Anti Aging)
65) A boy is excreting meconium from rectum and has severe constipation. The rectal examination showed no ganglion cells. The condition is called

A) Intussusceptions
B) Hirschsprung’s disease

66) In what portion of nephrone, Na is absorbed totally neutrally active transport?
a) PCT

76) Cell mediated immunity is mediated by
a) T cells
b)B cells

77) Virus does not cause
a) Lipoma
b) Kaposi sarcoma
c)cervical cancer
78) Iodine is stored in thyroid follicles as
a) Thyroglobulin
b)DIT and MIT
79) A patient died due to colonic cancer.On autopsy found thousands of polyps. Patient's father also had colonic cancer. The cause could be
a)Adenomatous polyps?
80) A patient has double ureters and double pelvis. It could be
a) anomaly is due to premature separation of ureteric bud
81) Chylomicrons contains
a) Fatty acids with vitamins
82) Transudate has
a) Low Albumin

83) common mediator of Basophils and mast cells have
84)In Skeletal muscle , contraction occurs due to
a) Sacromere
b) Actin
88) In chronic inflammation, there is predominate
a) Fibroblasts
89)Characterics of malignant cancer is
90 )Characteristic of malignant cancer is
a) pleomorphism
91) Pretraceal fascia
a) completely encircle the Thyroid gland
b)Completely encircles trachea
92) 6 months after the resection of terminal ilium, the patient
a) iron deficiency anemia
93) A patient has sweating 2L , and he took 2 L plan water. What could be happen?
a) Increased body volume?
b) decreased intracellular osmolarity
c)Increased extracellular osmolrity

94) Inhibition of heart Rate will be in
a) Stimulation of parasympathetic nervous system
95) Aldosterone is stimulated by
a) Increase of serum K
96) Follic Acid difficiency causes
a)Megaloblastic erythropoises
b) Foliate deficiency
97) Difference B/w Plasma and interstitial fluid is
a) Protien
98) C02 is mainly carried by
a) Hco3
99) In Inguinal hernia, posterior wall is formed by a) Conjoint tendon
b)Internal oblique muscles

100) What is part basal ganglia are
a) Putamen
( 32 mistakes )

Paper 2

101) Blood supply of vertebral column is
a)Vertibral artery
102)Suprascapular nerve arises from
a) Thyrocerv ical trunk
103) Ist pharyngeal pouch forms
a) Auditory tubes
104)Diapharm is supplied by
a) c 345
105)Urachus is remnant of
a) Allantois
106)A patient had surgery of breast and he is now unable to lift his arm.
What is damaged?
a) serratus anterior muscle

107)Thurst is stimulated by
a) ADH

108) A patient has dirrhoea and developed metabolic acidosis. What is lost in feeces?
a) HCO3
109)phasic fast adaptive structure is
a) Mickle disk
b)Carotid baroreceptors
c)Rufini's carpuscles
110)The lesser omentum forms which structures?
a) Hepatoduodenal ligament, Falciparum Ligament, Gastroduodenal ligament
111) A patient can not abduct and adduct his fingers. Lost adduction of thumb also.
a) Deep branch of ulnar nerve
112)Femoral canal is formed by what fascias?
a) Fascia Lata + memberenous Layer
113) Organ , lined by stratified squamous epithelium, rounded structure.?
Palatine tonsils
114)Regarding the Iron requirement of a pregnant woman, following test is appropriate.
b)serum ferritin

115)After gastrectomy, a patient might develop
a) Megaloblastic anaemia
116) A patient got injury in the posterior triangle of neck.there might damage
a) spinal part of accessory nerve
b) CNS part of accessory nerve
c) Vagus nerve
117)A patient in RTA came in EAC with hypovomumic shock. First what to treat?
a) I/V Fluids
118) Clostridia cause
a) Gas Gangren
119)Angiotensin 1 is converted to Angiotensin 2 in
a) Lung capillary endothelium
120) First week diagnosis of Typhoid is
a) Blood culture
121)A soldier posted at high altitude for many years came witg PVC > 40
a) Secondary polycythemis
122) Buerger's disease is strongly associated with
123)Acute appendicitis is associated with
a) Neutrophelic leukocytosis
124) Medial arcuate Ligament encloses at its upper end
a)Psoas muscle
125) QRS comples is due to
a)Ventricular systole
126) The transitional epithelium have
a) Couoidial epithelium lined by more larger and rounded cells?
127) A patient have right optic tract damage. He might developed
a)Left homonymus hemianopsia
128)In Burkit Lymphome, The causative agent is
a) EBV
129)Regarding adrenal glands
a) Right is Larger than left
b)Supplied by numerous arteries ,and drained by single vein
130) Repture of middle meningeal artery cause hematoma in
a)Between the two layers of dura mater
131)Middle esophageal constriction is by
a)Arch of Aorta
b)Left bronchus
132) T- cells
a) Matured in Thymus after birth
b)Both T cells and B cells are derived by same precursors
133)Neurovascular bundle is located at ribs at
a)inferior border of ribs
134)Which of the following does not predispose the cancer?
a) Radiation
b)Bacterial products
135)Methicilline resistant staph are
a) Usually sensitive to Vancomycin
136) Cardiac muscles can not be tetanized becosed
a)They have long refractory period
137) Severe blood transfusion reactoion occurs if transfused all except
a) A+ blood to 0+
b)A + blood to AB+
c) B+ to O+
d) B+ tp AB+
e)O +ve blood to OA+

138)Xenograft is
a) Transplant of tissues of different species
139) Lysosomes contains
a) Acid Hydrolase
140) Rt Gastro epiploic artery is the branch of
a) splenic artery
141) Right gastroduodenal artery is the branch of
a) Hepatic artery
142 )An asthematic patient may have
FEV1/FCV <75 143)Ligamentum arteriosum connect with a) Aorta with Left pulmonary artery 144)In atrial fibrillation, therer is a) Pulsus deficit 145)A patient lost weight , hot dry skin,RR 20, pulse 120/min, DB 120/80 a) Hyperthyroidism 146) Alpha receptors stimulation may cause a) Lipolysis b)Gluconeogenesis c)glycogenolysis d) Glycogenesis 147)Trypsinogen in the duodenum will be activated by a) PH < 7 148) Pulmonary embolism most commonly involves a) Left pulmonary artery 149 A patient had streptococcal infection. What blood test you will advise him after one week? a) Anti streptolysin O titer 150)A patient developed hemolytic anaemia after blood transfusion. Hemoglobin released will be attached with a) Heptoglobin b) Albumin 151) A patient with itching, fever with Antimitochondrial antibody +ve a) Primary billiary cirrhosis 152) PDA occurs in a) Prematurity 153) Fertilization occurs in a)Oviduct 154) Liquificative necrosis occurs in a) Brain 155) Temperature regulatory center is in a) Hypothalamus 156) Skin cancer occurs a) In Sun exposed area 157) Giant cells have a) Macrophages 158) Inflamatory mediator is a) C5a 159) Optic tract ends in a) Lateral geniculate body 160) Gastric motility is increased by a) Acetylcholine 161)Wound healing is delayed by a) infection 162)Achalasia is due to a)loss of Aurbach plexus 163)Patient has severe chest pain with ST elevation a) Disectening aorta b)Pleuritis c)Pneumothorax d)costochondral e)Pneumonias 164)Patient X-Ray shows hilar lymph nodes. Granuloma but no necrosis. What is the diagnosis? A} Sarcoidosis B} Silicosis C} Tuberculosis 165) Strongest layer of small intestine is a)Circular b)longitudinal c)Mucosa d)Submucosa ok? 166). High output cardiac failure a. B1 b. B2 c. B6 167)Valve less vessel is A) Aorta B) Pulmonary artery C) Coronary Sinus D) Pulmonary Trunk E) SVC e 168) Within 1 hr of the Acute M.I, which of the following enzyme will be raised? A) CK-MB a B) LDH C) Alkaline Phosphatase D) AST E) Troponin T 169) Replacement of cells of other normal site of body is called a) Metaplasia 170)Heart sound produced by rapid ventricular filling is A) 1st heart sound B) 2nd heart sound C) 3rd heart sound c D) 4th heart sound 171)Corticosteroids decrease a) Neutrophils b)Lymphocytes b c)Eiosinophils d)Monocytes e)Basophils 172) DVT occurs in females by use of OCPs 173) Visceral Pericardium is supplied by a) Phrenic Nerve b) Sympthatic Nerves c) Vagus neve d) Cardiac Plexus 174) Basal Cell Carcinoma involves a) Buccal Mucosa b) Hard Palate c) Soft Palate d) Lower Lip e) Oral Cavity 175) Primary spermatocyte divide by a)Mitosis b)Spermiosytosis c)Primary meiotic devision d)Sec Meiotic devision 176) The volume of distribution of drug is not influenced by a)Sex b)Age c)Heart failure d)Renal Failure 177)In Hypothyroidism a) Increased cholesterol level 178)craniophrangioma in the center of optic chiasmata may cause a) Bitemporal hemianopsia 179)Which one of the following most likely causes Increase in GFR? a)Constriction of afferent arteriole b)Constriction Of efferent arteriole 180) cardic output measured by thermodilution method is called a)fick law? 181. Blood flow regulation is mediated by: a. arterioles b. precepillary sphincter c. capillaries d. venules 182)Thiamine deficiency causes A} Peripheral Neuropathy B} Pellagra C} Chelosis D} Dermatitis 183) Which of the following is not a feature of shock A.decrease cardiac output B.muslce weakness C.increased urine output D.tachycardia E.restlessness 184) Iron is stored in the form of A.ferritin B.transferrin C.apoferritin

FCPS PAST PAPERS Part -1 (Medicine, Surgery, Radiology, OB/GYN) subject-wise pool with answers

01. A 10 year old boy with shoulder injury lost abduction of his shoulder up to 30 degree which muscle is lost:

02. A boy is brought to a hospital with injury at elbow joint lost extension of medial 4 fingers at MTP joint, abduction of thumb with intact sensation due to:
Injury to Radial nerve at elbow

03. Which of the following muscle is not supplied by median nerve:
Adductor polices.

04. Regarding palm:
Superficial palmer arch is below palmer apeneurosis.

05. Which of the following muscle have dual nerve supply from median and ulner nerve:
Flexor digitorum profundus.

06. Infection of the first pulp space lymph nodes will first drained.
Epitrochlear lymph nodes.

07. Which of the following muscles is flexor at hip and extensor at knee:

08. In an injury to knee joint a man is unable to extend his knee the root value affected:

09. In the injury to neck of fibula the artery damaged:
Ant. Tibial artery.
Peroneal artery. (correct)

10. Regarding post. Triangle:
Base is form by middle 3rd of clavicle.

11. Bifurcation of common carotid artery:
Beneath the ant. Border of sternocladomastoid at the sup. Border of thyroid cartilage.

12. Great saphenous vein has how many valves:

13. Vertebral venous plexus:
Has no communication with cerebral sinuses.
Lies in epidural space.
Is formed by two vertebral veins.

14. A 40 years old man feels pain in his gastrocnemeus muscle after he walks 100 meter which relieves when he stops walking is likely due to obstruction of:
A. Post. Tibial artery.

15. Subclavian artery grooves over:
A. 1st rib.

16. What is inappropriate about azygus vein.
A. It enters the thoracic cavity thru esophageal opening.

17. Which of the following structure arches over root of left lung:
A. Arch of aorta.

18. Weakest point of rib is:
A. Angle of the rib.

19. A pathologist wants to pass dye to the liver he will reach thru:
A. Ligamentum Teres.

20. Internal spermatic fascia is a continuation of:
A. Transversalis fascia.

21. The branch of internal carotid artery which remains in true pelvis throughout its course:
A. Middle rectal artery.

22. During a per rectal examination the examiner will not reveal:
A. Ureter

23. Parasympathetic nerves supplying the urinary bladder are:
A. Pelvic splanchnic nerves.

24. Nerve supply to the lower airways:
A. T3-4

25. During an injury to the bulbar part of urethra the urine will extravasate to:
A. Superficial perineal pouch.

26. Nerve supply to the distal scrotum is thru:
Illioinguinal nerve. (correct)
Illiohypogastric nerve.
Genitofemoral nerve.

27. During surgery of right colon for carcinoma which structure would not be injured:
A. Aorta.

28. Slow growing tumor of head of pancreas will compress:
A. Common Bile Duct.

29. Tumor of the head of pancreas will compress:
A. Common Bile Duct.


1. Regarding Decidua:
A. Decidua basilis forms the maternal part of placenta.

2. Embryonic period is:
A. 3-8 weeks.

3. Which of the following is a derivative of neuro ectoderm:
A. Sphincter pupili muscle.

4. Derivative of Ectoderm include:
A. Secretary Epithelium of parotid gland.

6. Regarding Allantois:

7. left umbilical vein will regress to:
A. Ligamentum Teres.

8. Which of the following structure is not an Embryological remnant:
A. Lateral umbilical ligament.

9. Regarding Mesothelium:
A. Lines the body cavities.

10. Physiological hernia occurs in between:
A. 6-10 weeks.

11. What will happen immediately after birth:
Anatomical closure of Ductus arteriosus.
Anatomical closure of Ductus venosus.
Anatomical closure of foramen ovale. (correct)
Obliteration of Left umbilical vein.
Obliteration of Right umbilical vein.

12. Which of the following bone is derived from 2nd Pharyngeal arch:
A. Styloid process.

13. Muscles innervated by hypoglossal nerves are derived from:
A. Occipital Somites.

14. Primordial Germ cells are derived from:
A. Yolk sac endoderm.


1. Pulmonary Wedge Pressure:
A. Indirectly measures left atrial pressure,
2. Ventricular Depolarization on ECG strip is represented by:
A. QRS Complex.
3. Ventricular preload is measured by:
4. Blood flow to the left ventricles is increase by:
Acetylcholine infusion.
Sympathetic stimulation (correct)
5. Bain Bridge reflux.
6. IPSP is generated by opening of:
A. Cl- channels.
7. During Depolarization:
A. There is rapid influx of Na+.
8. Blood group antigen:
A. Will not found in any other tissue than blood.
B. Will be inherited by Autosomal recessive pattern
9. If father’s blood group is B+ve & mother’s blood group is AB+ve there child can not have which of the following blood group:
A. O+ve.
10. ESR will increase with the decrease in:
A. Albumin.
11. ADH will act on:
A. Distal Tubules.
12. Renal absorption of glucose thru secondary transport with sodium occurs at:
A. Proximal Tubules.
12. Simple Diffusion depends on all of the following factors except:
A. Magnetic field.
13. What is the suitable I/V fluid for the patient of acidurea:
Normal Saline. (correct)
Dorrow`s solution.
Ringer lactate.
5% dextrose
10% dextrose.
14. Which of the following causes Hyperkelemia:
Zollinger Ellison syndrome.
Cushing syndrome.
Conn`s syndrome. ????
Pyloric stenosis. ?????
15. Which of the following hormone is called STRESS HORMONE:
A. Cortisol.
16. Inhibitory factor released by hypothalamus against which of the following hormone:
Growth hormone.
17. Bile of the Liver differs from the GB bile because GB bile contains decrease amount of:
A. Water.
18. Which of the following cell can never reproduce:
Skeletal muscle.
Smooth muscle. (correct)
19. Which of the following is the NOT non dividing cell:
A. Hepatocytes.
20. Heat loss mainly depends on:
Temperature of the surrounding. (correct)
21. Cortisol decreases which of the following cell:
A. Lymphocyte.
22. Resection of distal ileum will impair the absorption of:
A. Bile Salts.
23. Regarding Bradykinin:
It formation is activated by killkeran.
24. Regarding Interferon:
25. Surfactant is released by:
A. Type II pneumocytes.
26. Increase peripheral resistance is due to:
A. Increase vasomotor tone.
27. Chloride shift means:
A. Transfer of Cl- in erythrocytes in exchange of HCO3.
28. Cardiac muscles are prevented by tetanization due to its:
Long refractory period. (correct)
29. Sustained rhythmic reflex tremors induce by sudden movements is:
A. Clonus.
30. Most active form of thyroid hormone present in circulation is:
A. T3.
31. Regarding conduction of visual pathways:
32. Regarding olfaction:
A. Sharp odors have the quality of water & lipid solubility.
33. Unilateral Anosmia is due to:
A. Affection of Nasal mucosa.


1. Irreversible cell injury starts with:
A. Rupture of the Lysosomal membrane.
2. Which of the following is not a mediator of acute inflammation:
A. Dopamin.
3. ICAM & VCAM mediates:
A. Leukocyte Adhesion.
4. Fever in inflammation is caused by:
A. IL1 & TNF α.
5. A 36 years old women presented with acute abdomen. At laparoscopy most of the bowl loops were dark purple black. Her mesenteric veins were patent. The most probable underlying pathological process is:
A. Wet Gangrene.
6. Superimposed infection on necrosis is called:
A. Gangrenous Necrosis.
7. Fluid accumulates in acute inflammation contains:
A. Proteins >3gm/dl.
8. Fat necrosis occurs in:
A. Acute pancreatitis.
9. What is inappropriate about fat necrosis:
A. Only caused by trauma to the fat tissue.
10. A 25 year old lady with 14 weeks pregnancy had a road traffic accident brought to the emergency department with a large open wound on thigh and femur fracture. After 2 days of accident she suddenly collapsed & died. The most probable pathological process involve in her death:
A. Fat Embolism.
11. Regarding Fat Embolism:
It is Fetal in >80% of cases.
IT manifest within 12 hours.
12. A 30 year old women brought to emergency department with bleeding…..

13. A 16 years old boy deeply jaundiced presented with gum bleeding due to:
A. Vitamin K deficiency.
14. A patient presented with enlarge lymph nodes, the diagnosis of Tuberculosis in this patient is confirmed by:
A. Presence of caseous necrosis in lymph nodes.
15. An 18 year old girl came to family doctor complaining of primary amenorrhea, on examination she found to have well formed breasts, blind ended vagina with no uterus & ovary. Her probable Karyotype is:
A. 46 XY.
16. Edema due to increase hydrostatic pressure is seen in:
A. Congestive cardiac failure.
17. Which of the following is a benign tumor:
A. Warthin`s tumor.
18. Which of the following is a premalignant condition:
A. Leukoplakia.
B. Erythroplakia.
19. Which of the following is a premalignant condition:
Metaplasia Endocervix.
Cystic hyperplastic endometrium
20. Metaplasia does not occur in:
Vitamin A deficiency.
21. The primary source of Creatinin is:
Skeletal muscles.
Cardiac muscles.
22. Dystrophic Calcification is seen in all of the following except:
Malarial parasite.
Dead fetus.
Hydatid Cyst.
23. Maximal tensile Strength of a wound is attained in.
3 Months.
Over an unpredictable period of time.
1 Year.
6 days.
10 days.
24. Regarding autosomal recessive disorders:
25. Which of the following are not non-dividing cells.
A. Hepatocytes.
26. In a patient there is atrophy of submandibular gland due to its duct obstruction. Atrophy of the gland is because of:
A. Apoptosis.
27. The mechanism of injury of ionization radiation is:
A. Free radical formation.
28. LASER act by:
Biochemical changes
29. A patient admitted to the hosp. diagnosed as case of gas gangrene dies due to:
A. Toxic shock
30. Which of the following is the confirmatory test of AIDS:
Western blot.

1. Hepatic hemengioma is associated with:
A. Vinyl Chloride.
2. Which of the disease is common in I/V drug abusers:
A. Infective Endocarditis.
3. Typhoid carriers are:
A. Usually asymptomatic.
4. Intestinal metaplasia due to reflux esophagitis leads to:
A. Adenocarcinoma.
5. Embryological marker that reappears in circulation in Ca Colon is:
6. Which of the following is peculiar for crohn`s disease is:
A. Perianal Lesions.
7. Anemia of pregnancy is due to:
A. Increase plasma volume.
8. Major complication of severe burn:
Formation of granulation tissue.
Carcinoma formation.
9. What is Inappropriate about hyper parathyroidism:
A. There is increase PO4 renal absorption.
10. A 25 year old lady complaining of palpitations, heat intolerance on examination her pulse is 112b/min, BP 120/80, R/R 20 br/min. She is most probably a case of:
A. Hyperthyroidism.
11. Resection of Anterior lobe of pituitary will lead to:
A. Decrease glucocorticoids.
12. A 6 year old boy is complaining of proximal muscular weakness was found to be Ca++ channel antibodies positive. The most probable diagnosis is:
Lambert Eaten Syndrome.
Mysthenia Gravis.
13. In pulmonary embolism, respiratory failure is due to:
A. Ventilation / perfusion mismatch.
14. Left ventricular failure will lead to:
A. Increase pulmonary arteriolar Pressure.
15. Immediate effect after injury to a vessel is:
16. Effects of hyper parathyroidism in Ca. lung is due to:
Parathyroid like protein
Parathyroid hormone
17. Spleenectomy will help in treating which type of anemia:
A. Hereditary Spherocytosis.
18. Malignant Tumor that will not metastasize:
A. Basal cell carcinoma.
19. Achlasia is due to:
A. Absence of Myenteric plexus.
20. After a traffic accident a lady is brought to a hosp the IMMEDIATE step you do:
A. Clear airway.
21. Ameobic infection reaches lungs via:
Direct extension from liver.
By aspiration of ova of Entameoba histolitica.
By aspiration of trophozoits of Entameoba histolitica.
Via Portal vein.
22. In Hypothyroidism there is increase in:
A. Cholesterol
23. In thyroid disease the antibodies are directed against:
A. Thyroglobin.
24. A 50 years old man is awakened in the middle of the night with acute pain & tenderness of the right knee. He has a low grade fever. His knee is hot, tender & swollen. Analysis of fluid from right knee shows: leukocytes 70,000/mm3 with 75% neutrophils, crystal analysis = negative birefringent, gram stain = negative. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Gout.
B. Pseudo gout.
C. Septic arthritis. (correct)

1. Which of the following blocks α and β receptors:
A. Labetalol.
2. Ketamin is used as anesthetic in repeated dressings of burn patient because:
A. It relieves pain as well.
3. Drug that decreases the tone of lower esophageal sphincter & increases gastric emptying:
A. Metaclopromide.
4. Which of the following is suitable antihypertensive for asthma & IHD patient during surgery:
I/V sodium nitroprusside.
I/V nitroglycerin.
5. Which of the following is drug of choice for patient of status asthematicus:
I/V aminophylin
Oral steroid
I/V salbutamol.
6. During surgery antibiotics should be given at:
A. At the time of induction of anesthesia.
7. Heparin will inhibit:
A. Clot propagation.
B. Clot organization.
8. Acid suppression is done by blocking:
A. H2 Receptor.
9. Drug of choice for acute pancreatitis.
9] A male with Gynaecomastia, small testes, diagnosed as Klienfelters syndrome. The karyotype involved is

A} 45 XO
B} 46 XX
C} 47 XXX
D} 47 XXy (correct)
E} 47 XX

10] Somites are derived from

A} Intermediate mesoderm
B} Paraxial mesoderm
C} Lateral plate mesoderm (correct)
D} Ectoderm
E} Endoderm

11] An I/V Urograph of 8 year old boy shows Excretion of dye normal I kidney but absence of shadow on left side. Instead there is a small shadow just above the bladder on the left side. Which one of the following is most likely?

A} Horse shoe kidney
B} Constricted ectopic kidney
C} Pelvis kidney
D} Non rotating kidney
E} Unilateral renal agenesis

12] Which one of the following is not formed from urogenital sinus?

A} Bartholin’s gland
B} Urethral glands
C} Para urethral glands
D} Seminal vesicle

13] Virus damage the cell by

A} making the pores in cell membrane
B} Forming free radicals
C} Altering the formation of proteins c
D} Nuclear damage
E} using energy for their own metabolism

14] The tissue damage by Ionization Radiation is due to
A) Damage to Golgi bodies
B} Formation of free radicals
C} Hydropic degeneration
D} Metaphase of cell
E} Swelling of cells
15] All are features of IRREVERSIBLE cell injury EXCEPT
A} Karyolysis
B} Karyorhexis
C} Autolysis
D} Shrinkage of mitochondria
E} Appearance of myelin figure
16] Which one of the following is least likely involved in increasing Osteoporosis

A} Increased wt: on bone
B} Renal cell carcinoma
C} Carcinoma prostate

17] Patient X-Ray shows hilar lymph nodes. Granuloma but no necrosis. What is the diagnosis?

A} Sarcoidosis (correct)
B} Silicosis
C} Tuberculosis

18] In women the most common form of necrosis after trauma is due to

A} Trauma to fatty tissue

19] Dystrophic calcification is present in which of the following

A} Acute pancreatitis
B} Malaria
C} Tuberculosis (correct)

20] Which one of the following is most likely feature of reversible injury?

A} Cell swelling
B} Karyorhexis
C} Decreased glycogen
D} Myelin figures (correct)

21] A person fell on road and got an abrasion on elbow the first event likely occur would be

A} Vasoconstriction (correct)
B} Platelet adhesion
C} Platelet aggregation

22] Which one of the following facilitates phagocytosis in neutrophils?

A} C5a
B} C3a
C} C3b (correct)
D} C3 - C5 complex

23] Which one of the following is potent antioxidant?

A} Vitamin A
B} Vitamin C
C} Vitamin E (correct)
D} Transferrin

24] Which one of the following among Arachidonic acid metabolite is most likely function mediated in phagocytosis?

A} Chemo taxis (correct)
B} Diapedisis
C} Transmigration

25] Which one of the following is potent COX-II INHIBITOR?

A} Aspirin
B} Celocoxib (correct)
C} Indomethacin
D} Meloxicam
E} Piroxicam
26] In case of pulmonary embolism extensive infarction causes sudden death due to

A} Air embolism
B} Fat embolism
C} Thromboembolism (correct)

27] A patient was operated for abdominal surgery. A few days after he developed pain and swelling in his right leg. Which one of the following is most likely?

A} endothelial injury
B} hypercoagubility
C} stasis and endothelial injury (correct)

28] A soldier has profuse bleeding. He was admitted in the hospital. Which one of the following should be given immediately?

Fresh frozen plasma
B} 20 days old blood
C} 3 days old blood (correct)

29] A boy was born with the condition of polycystic kidney disease. Which one of the following is correct?

A} Autosomal Dominant disorder
B} Autosomal recessive disorder (correct)
C} X- linked disorder

30] In a renal transplantation, which one of the following is single most significant test to be done?

A} ABO blood grouping of donor and recipient
B} HLA typing and matching (correct)
C} Donor and recipient should be close relatives

31] A organ was transplanted to the patient, but within 10 mins the organ failed. Which one of the following is likely etiology?

A} Antibody mediated
B} T-Cell mediated
C} Preformed antibodies (correct)

32] AIDS occur in the presence of

A} Kaposi’s sarcoma

33] A 2 year old boy is suspected as HIV positive, which one of the following is the confirmatory test in the boy

A} ELISA test
B} Western Blot test (correct)
D} Increased levels of HIV in T lymphocytes

34] A 10 year old boy was operated for gastrectomy, which one of the following type of anemia is developed postoperatively

A} Megaloblastic anemia (correct)
B} Iron deficiency anemia
C} Normocytic norm chromic anemia

35] Autoimmunity is not involved in which one of the following

A} Pernicious anemia
B} Grave’s disease
C} Diabetes mellitus
D} Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
E} Thymoma (correct)

36] In case of hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which one of the following is seen?

A} Anti thyroglobulin

37] To differentiate Chron’s disease from Ulcerative colitis, which one of the following is likely significant regarding Chron’s disease

A} has increased frequency to cancer
B} Involves both small and large intestine (correct)

38] Regarding alcoholic hepatitis, following is finding

A} Mallory bodies

39] A 20 year old girl has developed Galactorrhea due to prolactinoma. Bromocriptine is given to treat it the drug causes

A} Inhibition of prolaction from pituitary gland (correct)
B} Decreased prolaction from hypothalamus
C} Inhibition of prolaction from breast
D} Stimulation of prolaction of anterior pituitary

40] An unconscious patient presented in ED does not respond to Naloxone. Which of the following drug has been taken by this patient?

A} Morphine
B} Heroine (correct)
C} Pethidine
D} Phenobarbital

41] Strongest layer of small intestine is

A} Mucosa
B} Sub mucosa
C} Circular layer
D} Serosa
E} Longitudinal layer

42] Regarding adrenal medulla which one of the following is true?

A} Secretes epinephrine and Norepinepinephrine in 80/20 ratio

43] R.E.R most likely

A} Synthesizes protein (correct)
B} Synthesizes lipids

44] Half life of insulin is

A} 5 mins
B} 90 mins
C} 120 mins

45] Insulin

A} Converts glycogen to glucose
B} Stimulates protein synthesis (correct)
C} Stimulates lipolysis

46] Which one of the following most likely contains abundant cholesterol?

B} LDL (correct)
C} Chylmicrons

47] Which one of the following most likely causes Increase in GFR?

A} Constriction of afferent arteriole
B} Constriction Of efferent arteriole (correct)

48] Gastric emptying is delayed by

A} Gastrin
B} Secretin
C} CCK (correct)

49] Which one of the following pancreatic enzyme is most likely involved in fat absorption

A} Amylase
B} Lipase

50] Smooth muscle

A} Contain sarcomere
B} T-tubules are present
C} Gap junctions are present (correct)
D} Forms motor end plate

51] Steady pressure on skin is perceived by

A} Pacinian’s corpuscle (correct)
B} Ruffini’s corpuscle
C} Meissener’s Corpuscle
D} Golgi tendon organs

39. Metabolic alkalosis a. renal failure

40. ARF- most effect.a. PCT a b. DCT c. LOH d. CD

41. Hb 8.0, HCO3- inc (35), pH Inc, Ca++ dec. Cause a. ARF b. Vit D def c. folic acid deficiency d. PTH

43. High output cardiac failure
a. Thiamine a b. B2 c. B6 d. Folic acid

44. 90 yrs old lady with purplish large patch on Rt hand and arm. No itching or pain. No comorbids, Otherwise Normal. Reason? a. Capillary abn
b. Prothrombin c. Vit K dependent clotting factors

47. Warfarin, effects on: a. Factor VIII b. factor III c. Prothrombin c

48. Ibpratopium bromide given by nebulization: a. dec ACh release in bronchi a b. vasodil c. inc secretion

49. Mast cell stabilizer. a. Na chromoglycate
52. Sec released from thyroid gland entering circulation is: a. Thyroxine b. Free T3 c. free T4 d. TSH e. TRH

53. Cushing's triad: a. Inc ICP, HTN, Bradycardia b. Inc ICP, hypoTN, bradycardia c. inc ICP, hypoTN, tachycardia d. inc ICP, HTN. tachycardia e. dec ICP, HTN, tachycardia

122. Pt complains of chest pain for more than 30 min . ECG shows changes in V1- V4. It denotes: a. anterior wall MI a b. anterolateral MI c. Inferior wall MI d. Lateral wall MI e. Inferior wall MI

150. Medullary respiratory group of neurons t of ascending reticular system a. True b. false 1

151. Anion gap increases in: a. Uncontrolled DM

152. Bile from liver is different from that from GB in:

160. Mediators of inflammation a. C3a b. C5a b c. IL1 d. TNF alpha
161. Largest total cross-sectional and surface area is of: a. artery b. arterioles c. capillaries d. venules e. veins e

162. Blood flow regulation is mediated by: a. arterioles a b. precepillary sphincter c. capillaries d. venules
4] A 16 year old boy was given CO-TRIMAXAZOLE for fever, after few hours he developed red color urine, likely abnormality is in A} Glucose}-6-Phosphate deficiencyB} Immune hemolysis C} oxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria D} Malaria d
E} Sickle cell disease

5] Thiamine deficiency causes A} Peripheral Neuropathy a B. PellagraC} Chelosis D} Dermatitis

6] Milk is notoriously deficient in A} Vitamin C B} Iron C
Riboflavin D} Pantothenic acid E} Vitamin A

7] Dry heat kills the bacteria by A} Coagulation of proteins B} Cell lysis C} Free radical formation D} Direct killing d E} Oxidation

8] Virus damage the cell by A} Making the pores in cell membrane B} Forming free radicals C} Altering the formation of proteins c D} Nuclear damage E} using energy for their own metabolism

9] Which one of the following lipoprotein has highest protein content? A} HDL} a} B} LDL C} VL} D} IDL E} CHYLMICRONS

10] All are related to PLATELET FUNCTION EXCEPT A}
Capillary resilience test a B} BT C} Clot retraction

11] ALLELLE is: A} Fragmented genes B} Non-identical genes C} Structural genes D} Regulatory gene E} Autosomal Dominant gene

12] D.I.C is stimulated by: A} Factor X B} Factor XII C} Thromboplastin D} Factor IX d E} Fibrinogen

13] In enchymal cells Iron is deposited in the form of A} Tranferrin B}
Ferritin bC} Heamatin D} Heamoglobin E} Lipifuscin

19] Regarding Von Willbrand disease A} Autosomal Dominant B} Autosomal Recessive C}
Some family members have low level of Factor IX D} Some family members have abnormal level of Factor IX E} has positive family history

20] Which of the following condition is related to lymphatics? A} Angiosarcoma a B} Rhabdomyosarcoma C} Cystic hygroma

21] The condition in which pulmonary trunk fails to divide leading A} PDA aB} Truncus arteriosus C} TOF

22] Basal Cell Carcinoma is located at A} Lower lip B} Upper lip C} Tongue D} Hard palate E} Soft palate

25] Which of the following is not Carcinogen? A} Alcohol B} Benzathracine C}
Cyclophosphamide D} Benzidine E} Dimethylsulfate

26] The Initial step in APOPTOSIS is A} Inhibition of P53 genes B} Activation of BCL-2 C} Activation of Caspases c D} pores formed by lymphocytes

28] Which t of kidney produces ERYTROPOITEN A} Macula Densa B} Peritubular Capillary b C} PCT D} DCT E} LOH

29] A patient with signs and symptoms of megaloblasstic anemia. The likely cause is
A Decreased GIT motility B} Deficiency of intrinsic factor b C} Malabsorption

30] Stimulation to increase Serum Calcium is A} Hypo-phosphatemia B} atharmone b C} Decreased ECF

31] Malnutrition causes all of the following EXCEPT A} Pitting Edema. a B} Loss of subcutaneous fat. C} Failure to thrive. D} Skin pigmentation E} Thrombocytopenia
32] Liver biopsy from a pati
ent shows a lesion which comprises of central collection of structure less material surrounded by epitheliod cells and lymphocytes. One large cell with multiple nuclei arranged close to membrane is also seen. The most likely change in central area would b
e: A} Caseous necrosis B} Coagulation necrosis C} Fatty changesD} Hydropic changes E} Liquefective necrosis

33] A 28 year fisherman presented with slowly developing lethargy, easy fatigue and palpitations. His diet comprises of fish an
d rice only. Physical examination: Pallor, Loss of touch sense in both feet and legs Hb: 7.5 gm/dl, Platelet count: 110 x 10 9/L. Reticulocyte count: 0.5%. Stool DR: Ova of Intestinal asite. The most likely causative asite is A}
Ankylostomata Duodenale B} Ascris Lumbricoidis C} Diphylobothrium Latum c D} Strangyloids Stercoralis E} Taenia Saginata

34] A 40 year old male after road traffic accident had received massive blood transfusion. He is expected to have all EXCEPT A} Hypocalcaemia B} Hypokalemia b C} Hypothermia D}
Left shift of Oxyheamoglobin dissociation curve E} Metabolic acidosis

35] The endothelial molecules ICAM-1 & VCAM-1 are responsible for A} Direct endothelial injury B} Endothelial cell contraction C} Junctional re
Traction D} Leukocyte adhesion d E} Leukocyte margination

36] Eating raw or under cooked meat can cause infestation by A} Dracunculous Medinensis B} Echinecoccus Granulosis C Liver Fluke D
Schistosomiasis E} Tape Worm e

37] A pt: has sustained burn that is very painful with blisters. Healing of this burn will take place from which of the following layers of the skin A} Basal layer of epidermis}
Keratinized layer C} Layer of upper dermis c D} Lower dermis E} Subcutaneous layer

A 40 year old male presented with jaundice and generalized itching. His LFT shows Direct Billirubin 11 mg/100 ml, SGPT 75U/L, Alka Phosphate 2300 IU/L 500IU/L. The most likely cause is A} Drug induced jaundice B}
Extra hepatic Cholestasis b C} Autoimmune Hepatitis D} Alcoholic Hepatitis E} Intrahepatic Cholestasis

39] The tissue damage by Ionization Radiation is due to A} Damage to Golgi bodies B}
Formation of free radicals b C} Hydropic degeneration D} Metaplasia of cell E} Swelling of cells

42] Increase in Light Chain Immunoglobulins Is the characteristic feature of
A} Endocrine type Amyloidosis B} Hereditary Amyloidosis C} Localized type Amyloidosis D} Reactive Amyloidosis E} Systemic type Amyloidosis

43] Chemotaxis is caused by A} C5a a B} C5b C} Lymphokines D} Leucotriene B3 E} Opsonins

44] Following are the actions of Archidonic acid metabolites in inflammation EXCEPT A} Chemotaxis
B} Increased vascular perm
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