100 commonly tested facts for MRCP Part 1
Here is a list of commonly tested facts in the MRCP Part 1 exam. They are
listed in order of importance - highest first.
1. Acromegaly – Diagnosis: OGTT followed by GH conc.
2. Cushings – Diagnosis: 24hr urinary free
cortisol. Addisons --> short synacthen.
3. Rash on buttocks – Dermatitis herpetiformis
(coeliac dx).
4. AF with TIA --> Warfarin. Just TIA's with no
AF --> Aspirin
5. Herpes encephalitis --> temporal lobe
calicification OR temporoparietal attentuation – subacute onset i.e. Several
6. Obese woman, papilloedema/headache --> Benign
Intercanial Hypertention.
7. Drug induced pneumonitis --> methotrexate or
8. chest discomfort and dysphagia --> achalasia.
9. foreign travel, macpap rash/flu like illnes
--> HIV acute.
10. cause of gout --> dec urinary excretion.