Qs. 1. Heinz bodies are found in
A. G6PD deficiency
C. Sickle cell disease
Qs 2. During a surgery a surgeon nick hepatoduodenal ligament. Which structure is likely to be damaged
A. Portal vein
B. Bile duct
D. Hepatic Duct
Qs 3. Gall Bladder
A. Produces bile
B. Submucosa is present
C. Mucosa is thrown in extensive folds
Qs 4. Bare area of liver is limited by
A. Right and left traigular ligament
B. Falciform ligament
C. Ligament teres
D. Ligament venosum
Qs 5. Medial side of arm is suppli
ed by
A. Medial cord (answer)?
B. Lateral cord
C. Musculocutaneous nerve
D. Median nerve? (don’t rem)
Qs 6. Pendular knee jerk
A. UMN lesion
B. LMN lesion
C. Hypothyroidsm
D. Parkinson
E. Hyptonia ( don’t rem if this option was given)
Qs 7. Intercostal spaces
A. Have three layers of muscles in between costal cartilages
B. Neurovascular bundle present
C. blood supply from int. Thoracic artery n thoracic aorta
D. Options were lengthy and tough. Not from any MCQ book. So better to give this topic a read from SNELLs or RJ Last
Qs 8. Neurovascular bundle
A. Lies deep In ribs
B. Lied on upper border of ribs?
C. Lower border of ribs
Qs 9. Mesonephric duct functional remnant or unit is
A. Epididymis
B. Ductus deferens
C. Vagina
D. Uterus
Qs 10. Metastatic Calcification of kidney most commonly due to
A. Hypervitaminosis D
B. Hyperparathyroidism
C. Hypercalcemia
Qs 11. Main supply of head of humerus
A. Ant circumflex artery
B. Post circumflex artery
C. Arteries around rotator cuff
D. Arcuate artery (ans)
E. Subscapular artery
Qs 12. Deep cervical artery is a branch of
A. Costocervical trunk
B. Subscapular artery
C. Aorta 1st part?
D. Int thoracic artery?
Qs 13. Capsule of left kidney prevents the spread of infection to
A. Other kidney
B. Lesser sac
C. Upper part of greater sac
D. Lower part of greater sac
E. Deep pelvis
Qs 14. Proximal part of CBD is supplied by
A. Inf mesenteric artery
B. Sup mesenteric artery
C. Cystic artery
D. Right hepatic art
E. Left hep artery
Qs 15. A pt got spleen rupture and she is going to spleenectomy.. whats her peripheral blood picture right now
A. Howel jowel bodies
B. Thrombocytopenia
Qs 16. Infants spinal cord ends at
A. Btw L1 and L2
B. Lower border of L3
C. L2
Qs 17. Esophagogastric junction is at
A. T11
B. T7
C. L1
D. L3
Qs 18. Portal HTN
A. Left colic (answer)
B. Inf mesenteric
C. Inf epigastric
Qs 19. A young 1yr old has hydrocele
A. Scrotal swelling
B. Peritoneal fluid accumulation
C. Testis inflammation
Qs 20. During hysterectomy which structure is damaged
A. uterine artery (answer?)
B. ovarian artery
C. ? some nerves?
Qs 21. Deep ring is
A. Fascia transversalis
B. Aponeurosis of transvers abdominus
C. Aponuerosis of ext oblique
Qs. 22. Duodenal ulcer which artery is involved
A. Gastroduodenal artery
B. Splenic artery
C. Gastroepoploic artery
Qs 23. Head of pancrease related anteriorly to all except
A. Rt suprarenal gland (ans)
B. Left suprarenal gland
C. Duodenum?
Qs 24. Sigmoid and descending colon drain into
A. Left colic nodes
B. Inf mesenteric nodes (ans?)
C. Sup mesenteric nodes
Qs 25. Hip joint is
A. Related post to psoas bursa
B. Has obt ext inferiorly
C. Related to femoral nerve?
Qs 26. Femur bone
A. Lat ligament attached to lower epicondyle (ans?)
B. Plantaris muscle??
Qs 27. Rectum is
A. Straight structure?
B. Has haustrations circular folds?
C. Post tp rectum is S2S4S5??
Qs 28. Inf epigastric artery & deep inguinal ring (qs was only this with no extra words or hint)
A. Medial (ans?)
B. Lateral
Qs 29. S1 lesion
A. Loss of ankle jerk
B. Loss of sensation on medial side
Qs 30. AV bundle
A. Only neuro connection btw right atria &ventricle (ans?)
B. Present in right atria
Qs 31. Post interventricular artery supplies
A. Both right and left ventricle
B. SA node
C. Rt atria
D. Some other options abt its aneurysm?
Qs 32. Most medial nucleus of cerebellum
A. Fastgial
B. Dentate
Qs 33. Defect in interventricular septum causes or affects which valve most
A. Aortic
B. Pulmonary
C. Tricuspid
D. Mitral
E. Coronary septum?? Don’t rem the option and neither understand the qs
Qs 34. Lateral side of breast drains into
A. Pectoral LN
Qs 35. Esophagus constricted at
A. Where crossed by arch of aorta (answer)
B. Post mediastinum + left ventricle
C. Rt bronchus
Qs 36. Site of radial artery pulse is
A. Ext pollicis and abd pollicis
B. Dnt rem options learn it from snell review
Qs 37. Most imp anatomic functional lobe or largest subdivision of prostate is
A. Median lobe
B. Peripheral lobe
C. Transitional lobe (ans???)
D. ?
Qs 38. Pain of vagina mediated medially due to
A. Obturator nerve (ans)
B. Femoral nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
Qs 39. Female pelvis with short AP diameter and long transverse diameter is
A. Plateploid
B. Gynaecoid
C. Anthropoid
Qs 40. Rectum nerve supply by
A. Inf hypogastric
B. Sup hypogastric
C. Pelvic splanchinic
Qs 41. Symphysis pubis is
A. Prim cartilaginous joint
B. Sec cartilaginous joint
Qs 42. Intrinsic factor is secreted from
A. Gastric fundus
B. Gastric antrum
Qs 43. Most common site of ectopic pregnancy
A. Uterine tubes
B. Ovaries
C. Mesentry of abdomen
Qs. 44. Sickle cell disease is a defect in
A. Beta globulin (ans)
B. Albumin
Qs 45. Common peroneal nerve damage scenario in a footballer and it was asked where it is damaged
A. Neck of fibular (ans)
B. Head of fibular
C. Ant to tibia
Qs 46. No of divisions of lower airways??
A. 17
B. 21 (ans???)
C. 23
D. 26??
Qs 47. Reflux of cecum is prevented by
A. Ileocecal valve
B. Ileocecal sphincter (ans)
Qs 48. Right testis cancer scenario and asked abt its drainage
A. Para-aortic lymph node (ans)
B. Int iliac lymph nodes
Qs 49. Prostate some scenario was given drains in
A. Int iliac nodes(ans)
B. Para aortic nodes
Qs 50. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes doesn’t drain
A. Testis (ans)
B. Scrotum?
C. Skin of gonads
D. Vagina
Qs 51. Left supra renal gland
A. Separated from left kidney by perirenal fascia
B. Drains in left renal vein (ans?)
Qs 52. Posteriorly lesser sac has all except?
A. Right supra renal gland (ans)
B. Left supra renal gland
C. Rt kidney
D. Left kidney
Qs 53. Parasympathetic supply to submandibular gland is from
A. Sup salivary nucleus
B. Inf salivary nucleus
C. Auriculotemp nerve
D. Lesser petrosal
E. Greater petrosal
Qs 54. Post belly of digastric is supplied by
A. Facial nerve
B. Accessory nerve
Qs 55. Vertebrae
A. Post and inf spine??
B. Nerve leave sup???
C. Cervical part??? Don’t remember complete options. But this qs was NOT FROM ANY BCQ BOOK.
Qs. 56. Atherosclerosis mainly compress or is present in
A. Abdominal aorta (don’t rem if it was given in options)
B. Sup mesenteric artery (ans)
Qs 57. Deep pain around orbit and nose
A. Maxillary nerve (ans)
B. Supraorbital nerve
Qs 58. Post curvature is lost in an infant. This condition is called
A. Kyphosis
B. Scoliosis
Qs 59. A girl has problem in opening mouth. Which muscle is defected
A. Lateral pterygoid
B. Medial pterygoid
C. Temporalis
D. Buccinators
Qs 60. Annulus fibrosis
A. Attached med and lat ligaments/?
B. No sensory supply??
Qs 61. Phenylalanine converts into
A. Tyrosine (ans)
B. Tyrmaine
Qs 62. Alkaptonuria all except:
A. Child has dark urine
B. Child has dark ears
C. No failure to survive/failure to survive (ans??)
Qs 63. Amykoidosis all except
A. Not present in heart (ans??)
B. Nephrotic syndrome
Qs 64. Most common cause of PDA
A. Prematurity (ans)
B. Infections
Qs 65. Human gonadotropins hormone main function is to
A. Maintain pregnancy (ans?)
B. Enhance breast
C. Ovulation
Qs 66. Which goes to cortex some visual pathway qs
B. Geniculocalcarine tract (ans?)
Qs 67. ESR is raised in
A. A girl with periods
B. In infections (ans)
Qs 68. Right atrium of heart. It was not abt venous drainage. Abt structure of right atrium
A. Sinus venosus??
B. Coronry sinus drains in rt atria (ans)
Qs 69. Stab wound injury in intercostal space.. surgeon needs to go to endothoracic fascia by reaching
A. Ext intercostal and internal intercostal muscles
B. Neurovascular bundle??
C. Some weird options not given in any MCQ book.
D. Parietal pleura??
Qs 70. Area of visual field supplied by
Qs 71. Homonymous hemianopia caused by
A. Optic tract
B. Optic chiasma
Qs 72. Intrauterine midtrimester hematopoiesis occurs in
A. Liver (ans)
B. Spleen
Qs 73. Central and peripheral chemoreceptors are sensitive to
A. Dec P02
B. Inc CO2
C. Inc Ph
Qs 74. Premalignant condition is caused by all except:
A. Pagets disease
B. Cirrhosis of liver
D. Osteoporosis??
E. Some breast disease too
Qs 75. Hodgkin disease
A. More in male
B. Lymphocyte depletion has some prognosis??
Qs 76. Autosomal dominant is
A. Marfan syndrome
Qs 77. Pulmonary TB
A. Most in post upper lobe (ans)?
B. Foul smelling sputum
Qs 78. Superior thoracic aperture
A). Its irregular in shape
B) Directed forward and downwards
Qs 79. Left renal vein
A. some relation options
B. Drains in IVC directly (I chose that)
Qs 80. Right renal vein
A. Don’t remember qs exactly
B. Marked drains in IVC directly
Qs 81. Adult derivative of umblical vein
A. Ligamentum venosum
B. Lig arteriosum
C. Lig Teres
Qs 82. Pancrease related anteriorly to all except: (don’t rem if it had except or not)
A. Lesser sac
B. Spleen
C. Splenic vein
83. Lower limit of rectus sheath is
A. arcuate line,
B. umblicus or
C. linea semilunaris?
84. Some scenario on loss of flexion and sensation on medial half of arm..
damage to ulnar nerve
85. Sup largngeal artery accompanied by
extERNAL laryngeal nerve
86. osteoprosis
A. Reduced bone density (answer)
B. reduced bone mineral
87. Annular pancrease due to
A. ventral mesentry (answer)
B. dorsal mesentry
88. Major opsonin
A. C3b (answer)
B. C5a
89. Ureter related posteriorly to
A. gondal vessels (answer?? Not sure)
B. uterine artery
C. common iliac??
90. Gastric emptying is delayed due to
A. gastrin
B. CCK (answer)
Qs. 1. Heinz bodies are found in
A. G6PD deficiency
C. Sickle cell disease
Qs 2. During a surgery a surgeon nick hepatoduodenal ligament. Which structure is likely to be damaged
A. Portal vein
B. Bile duct
D. Hepatic Duct
Qs 3. Gall Bladder
A. Produces bile
B. Submucosa is present
C. Mucosa is thrown in extensive folds
Qs 4. Bare area of liver is limited by
A. Right and left traigular ligament
B. Falciform ligament
C. Ligament teres
D. Ligament venosum
Qs 5. Medial side of arm is suppli
ed by
A. Medial cord (answer)?
B. Lateral cord
C. Musculocutaneous nerve
D. Median nerve? (don’t rem)
Qs 6. Pendular knee jerk
A. UMN lesion
B. LMN lesion
C. Hypothyroidsm
D. Parkinson
E. Hyptonia ( don’t rem if this option was given)
Qs 7. Intercostal spaces
A. Have three layers of muscles in between costal cartilages
B. Neurovascular bundle present
C. blood supply from int. Thoracic artery n thoracic aorta
D. Options were lengthy and tough. Not from any MCQ book. So better to give this topic a read from SNELLs or RJ Last
Qs 8. Neurovascular bundle
A. Lies deep In ribs
B. Lied on upper border of ribs?
C. Lower border of ribs
Qs 9. Mesonephric duct functional remnant or unit is
A. Epididymis
B. Ductus deferens
C. Vagina
D. Uterus
Qs 10. Metastatic Calcification of kidney most commonly due to
A. Hypervitaminosis D
B. Hyperparathyroidism
C. Hypercalcemia
Qs 11. Main supply of head of humerus
A. Ant circumflex artery
B. Post circumflex artery
C. Arteries around rotator cuff
D. Arcuate artery (ans)
E. Subscapular artery
Qs 12. Deep cervical artery is a branch of
A. Costocervical trunk
B. Subscapular artery
C. Aorta 1st part?
D. Int thoracic artery?
Qs 13. Capsule of left kidney prevents the spread of infection to
A. Other kidney
B. Lesser sac
C. Upper part of greater sac
D. Lower part of greater sac
E. Deep pelvis
Qs 14. Proximal part of CBD is supplied by
A. Inf mesenteric artery
B. Sup mesenteric artery
C. Cystic artery
D. Right hepatic art
E. Left hep artery
Qs 15. A pt got spleen rupture and she is going to spleenectomy.. whats her peripheral blood picture right now
A. Howel jowel bodies
B. Thrombocytopenia
Qs 16. Infants spinal cord ends at
A. Btw L1 and L2
B. Lower border of L3
C. L2
Qs 17. Esophagogastric junction is at
A. T11
B. T7
C. L1
D. L3
Qs 18. Portal HTN
A. Left colic (answer)
B. Inf mesenteric
C. Inf epigastric
Qs 19. A young 1yr old has hydrocele
A. Scrotal swelling
B. Peritoneal fluid accumulation
C. Testis inflammation
Qs 20. During hysterectomy which structure is damaged
A. uterine artery (answer?)
B. ovarian artery
C. ? some nerves?
Qs 21. Deep ring is
A. Fascia transversalis
B. Aponeurosis of transvers abdominus
C. Aponuerosis of ext oblique
Qs. 22. Duodenal ulcer which artery is involved
A. Gastroduodenal artery
B. Splenic artery
C. Gastroepoploic artery
Qs 23. Head of pancrease related anteriorly to all except
A. Rt suprarenal gland (ans)
B. Left suprarenal gland
C. Duodenum?
Qs 24. Sigmoid and descending colon drain into
A. Left colic nodes
B. Inf mesenteric nodes (ans?)
C. Sup mesenteric nodes
Qs 25. Hip joint is
A. Related post to psoas bursa
B. Has obt ext inferiorly
C. Related to femoral nerve?
Qs 26. Femur bone
A. Lat ligament attached to lower epicondyle (ans?)
B. Plantaris muscle??
Qs 27. Rectum is
A. Straight structure?
B. Has haustrations circular folds?
C. Post tp rectum is S2S4S5??
Qs 28. Inf epigastric artery & deep inguinal ring (qs was only this with no extra words or hint)
A. Medial (ans?)
B. Lateral
Qs 29. S1 lesion
A. Loss of ankle jerk
B. Loss of sensation on medial side
Qs 30. AV bundle
A. Only neuro connection btw right atria &ventricle (ans?)
B. Present in right atria
Qs 31. Post interventricular artery supplies
A. Both right and left ventricle
B. SA node
C. Rt atria
D. Some other options abt its aneurysm?
Qs 32. Most medial nucleus of cerebellum
A. Fastgial
B. Dentate
Qs 33. Defect in interventricular septum causes or affects which valve most
A. Aortic
B. Pulmonary
C. Tricuspid
D. Mitral
E. Coronary septum?? Don’t rem the option and neither understand the qs
Qs 34. Lateral side of breast drains into
A. Pectoral LN
Qs 35. Esophagus constricted at
A. Where crossed by arch of aorta (answer)
B. Post mediastinum + left ventricle
C. Rt bronchus
Qs 36. Site of radial artery pulse is
A. Ext pollicis and abd pollicis
B. Dnt rem options learn it from snell review
Qs 37. Most imp anatomic functional lobe or largest subdivision of prostate is
A. Median lobe
B. Peripheral lobe
C. Transitional lobe (ans???)
D. ?
Qs 38. Pain of vagina mediated medially due to
A. Obturator nerve (ans)
B. Femoral nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
Qs 39. Female pelvis with short AP diameter and long transverse diameter is
A. Plateploid
B. Gynaecoid
C. Anthropoid
Qs 40. Rectum nerve supply by
A. Inf hypogastric
B. Sup hypogastric
C. Pelvic splanchinic
Qs 41. Symphysis pubis is
A. Prim cartilaginous joint
B. Sec cartilaginous joint
Qs 42. Intrinsic factor is secreted from
A. Gastric fundus
B. Gastric antrum
Qs 43. Most common site of ectopic pregnancy
A. Uterine tubes
B. Ovaries
C. Mesentry of abdomen
Qs. 44. Sickle cell disease is a defect in
A. Beta globulin (ans)
B. Albumin
Qs 45. Common peroneal nerve damage scenario in a footballer and it was asked where it is damaged
A. Neck of fibular (ans)
B. Head of fibular
C. Ant to tibia
Qs 46. No of divisions of lower airways??
A. 17
B. 21 (ans???)
C. 23
D. 26??
Qs 47. Reflux of cecum is prevented by
A. Ileocecal valve
B. Ileocecal sphincter (ans)
Qs 48. Right testis cancer scenario and asked abt its drainage
A. Para-aortic lymph node (ans)
B. Int iliac lymph nodes
Qs 49. Prostate some scenario was given drains in
A. Int iliac nodes(ans)
B. Para aortic nodes
Qs 50. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes doesn’t drain
A. Testis (ans)
B. Scrotum?
C. Skin of gonads
D. Vagina
Qs 51. Left supra renal gland
A. Separated from left kidney by perirenal fascia
B. Drains in left renal vein (ans?)
Qs 52. Posteriorly lesser sac has all except?
A. Right supra renal gland (ans)
B. Left supra renal gland
C. Rt kidney
D. Left kidney
Qs 53. Parasympathetic supply to submandibular gland is from
A. Sup salivary nucleus
B. Inf salivary nucleus
C. Auriculotemp nerve
D. Lesser petrosal
E. Greater petrosal
Qs 54. Post belly of digastric is supplied by
A. Facial nerve
B. Accessory nerve
Qs 55. Vertebrae
A. Post and inf spine??
B. Nerve leave sup???
C. Cervical part??? Don’t remember complete options. But this qs was NOT FROM ANY BCQ BOOK.
Qs. 56. Atherosclerosis mainly compress or is present in
A. Abdominal aorta (don’t rem if it was given in options)
B. Sup mesenteric artery (ans)
Qs 57. Deep pain around orbit and nose
A. Maxillary nerve (ans)
B. Supraorbital nerve
Qs 58. Post curvature is lost in an infant. This condition is called
A. Kyphosis
B. Scoliosis
Qs 59. A girl has problem in opening mouth. Which muscle is defected
A. Lateral pterygoid
B. Medial pterygoid
C. Temporalis
D. Buccinators
Qs 60. Annulus fibrosis
A. Attached med and lat ligaments/?
B. No sensory supply??
Qs 61. Phenylalanine converts into
A. Tyrosine (ans)
B. Tyrmaine
Qs 62. Alkaptonuria all except:
A. Child has dark urine
B. Child has dark ears
C. No failure to survive/failure to survive (ans??)
Qs 63. Amykoidosis all except
A. Not present in heart (ans??)
B. Nephrotic syndrome
Qs 64. Most common cause of PDA
A. Prematurity (ans)
B. Infections
Qs 65. Human gonadotropins hormone main function is to
A. Maintain pregnancy (ans?)
B. Enhance breast
C. Ovulation
Qs 66. Which goes to cortex some visual pathway qs
B. Geniculocalcarine tract (ans?)
Qs 67. ESR is raised in
A. A girl with periods
B. In infections (ans)
Qs 68. Right atrium of heart. It was not abt venous drainage. Abt structure of right atrium
A. Sinus venosus??
B. Coronry sinus drains in rt atria (ans)
Qs 69. Stab wound injury in intercostal space.. surgeon needs to go to endothoracic fascia by reaching
A. Ext intercostal and internal intercostal muscles
B. Neurovascular bundle??
C. Some weird options not given in any MCQ book.
D. Parietal pleura??
Qs 70. Area of visual field supplied by
Qs 71. Homonymous hemianopia caused by
A. Optic tract
B. Optic chiasma
Qs 72. Intrauterine midtrimester hematopoiesis occurs in
A. Liver (ans)
B. Spleen
Qs 73. Central and peripheral chemoreceptors are sensitive to
A. Dec P02
B. Inc CO2
C. Inc Ph
Qs 74. Premalignant condition is caused by all except:
A. Pagets disease
B. Cirrhosis of liver
D. Osteoporosis??
E. Some breast disease too
Qs 75. Hodgkin disease
A. More in male
B. Lymphocyte depletion has some prognosis??
Qs 76. Autosomal dominant is
A. Marfan syndrome
Qs 77. Pulmonary TB
A. Most in post upper lobe (ans)?
B. Foul smelling sputum
Qs 78. Superior thoracic aperture
A). Its irregular in shape
B) Directed forward and downwards
Qs 79. Left renal vein
A. some relation options
B. Drains in IVC directly (I chose that)
Qs 80. Right renal vein
A. Don’t remember qs exactly
B. Marked drains in IVC directly
Qs 81. Adult derivative of umblical vein
A. Ligamentum venosum
B. Lig arteriosum
C. Lig Teres
Qs 82. Pancrease related anteriorly to all except: (don’t rem if it had except or not)
A. Lesser sac
B. Spleen
C. Splenic vein
83. Lower limit of rectus sheath is
A. arcuate line,
B. umblicus or
C. linea semilunaris?
84. Some scenario on loss of flexion and sensation on medial half of arm..
damage to ulnar nerve
85. Sup largngeal artery accompanied by
extERNAL laryngeal nerve
86. osteoprosis
A. Reduced bone density (answer)
B. reduced bone mineral
87. Annular pancrease due to
A. ventral mesentry (answer)
B. dorsal mesentry
88. Major opsonin
A. C3b (answer)
B. C5a
89. Ureter related posteriorly to
A. gondal vessels (answer?? Not sure)
B. uterine artery
C. common iliac??
90. Gastric emptying is delayed due to
A. gastrin
B. CCK (answer)
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