


Well friends, i wonder really to hear same questions again and again from you guys.I request you all to read the previou posts thoroughly,and after that if u have some confusion,then u can ask.Regarding books, i would like to say again that AMC has send me the preliminary application form for this AMC exam.In their letter,they themselves have recomended two books for studying ie
1)Anothology of Medical Conditions. The price of this books is 176AUD. You can get this book by an order to [email]amc@amc.org.au[/email],adn address is: PO Box 4810,Kingston ACT 2604,Australia.
2)Annotated Multiple Choice Questions. The price of this books is 104AUD. You can get this book by an order to blackwellpublishingasia.com, and address is: Blackwell Publishing Asia,PO Box 378,Carlton South Vic 3053,Australia.
The Australian Medical Council has published this book to assist overseas trained doctors who r prep for AMC exam.It is prepared by an expert panel of AMC board of Examiners.
I can understand that these books r lil expensive,but if u guys r soooo much interested in AMC exam then u ppl can collect money with sharing and order one pair of book,and can get its photocopied.Thats what i think,will be a lil cheaper to u guys. But other refernces books r the same,which we do study during our MBBS studies.
I am again posting the same thing,regarding the procedure of applying for this exam.Hope that will help.

1-Begin the process by submitting to the AMC a preliminary application form and the $100.00 GP application fee. You can submit this Form via the Internet through the AMC website or you can contact the AMC to obtain the preliminary application form by post.
2-Once you have submitted the preliminary application form, either through the internet or post, the $100.00 fee is processed. A GP pack (containing Form A, Information Booklet for Candidates, and associated information) is then forwarded to you.
3-Once you have received the GP pack, you must carefully read the Information Booklet for Candidates, which informs you of the documentation required for the application process. This booklet also lists the persons accepted to witness your documentation. It is very important that you submit the required documentation with correct certification. You must fill in the Form A and submit the relevant documentation in order for the application process to commence.
4-The non-specialist application process takes between 4 – 6 weeks. It is important that the Form A and documentation are submitted to the AMC before the ‘new assessment closing date’ in order for an applicant to be assessed as eligible to sit the next available MCQ examination.
5-Once the application has been completed, a letter regarding the outcome will be forwarded to you in the post. If you are eligible to undertake the AMC examination process, a Form C-1 application will be included with the assessment letter and you can then apply for the next available MCQ examination. If you are not eligible, the letter will state what is still required by the AMC to complete the application process.

there has been quite a few changes in the application forms and the fees and the rules....

New arrangements will apply from 1 July 2005 for the payment of certain AMC application and assessment fees for both non-specialist [AMC examination] and specialist assessment.

Candidates will no longer be required to pay the full assessment fee when they lodge their preliminary application form.

From 1 July 2005 the following fees will apply:

[u]Preliminary Application Fee[/u]

To obtain application materials including Information Booklets and Application Form A or SA to determine eligibility for examination or specialist assessment
$ 45.00

[u]AMC Examination Assessment Fee[/u]

To be lodged with Form A to determine eligibility to sit the AMC examination for non-specialist registration
$ 100.00

[u]Specialist Assessment Fee[/u]
To be lodged with Form SA to determine eligibility for assessment for registration as a specialist
$ 250.00

[u]Combined Assessment Fee [/u]

To be lodged with Forms A and SA for both assessment to sit the AMC examination and specialist assessment
$ 250.00

Applicants who have paid the full assessment fee prior to 1 July 2005, must lodge their Form A or Form SA by 30 June 2005.

NOTE: Current arrangements for paying fees and lodging applications for Area of Need specialist assessment will continue for the time being.

The Area of Need Specialist Assessment Fee of $250.00 must be paid at the time Form AON-SA and other documents are lodged.


The State and Territory Medical Boards have agreed on a uniform national standard for English language proficiency for the registration of overseas trained doctors. With effect from 1 July 2005 the following provisions will apply: Please click here to view the full English Language Proficiency Requirements as of 1 July 2005.

Medical Boards will require an applicant for registration to have completed the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination (Academic module) with a minimum score of 7 in each of the 4 components.

Alternative English proficiency tests that will be accepted are:

A pass in the Occupational English Test (OET) administered by the Centre for Adult Education with grades A or B only in each of the 4 components
A pass in the English language component of the United States Medical Licensing Examination [USMLE – previously ECFMG] but not the TOEFL component of the current USMLE
A pass in the Professional Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) examination in the United Kingdom; or
A pass in the English language proficiency component of the New Zealand Registration Examination (NZREX).

These English language proficiency standards will apply to all applicants for assessment through the AMC.

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